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The Guardian from London, Greater London, England • 2

The Guardian from London, Greater London, England • 2

The Guardiani
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

choose him to remain near them, there were so many spies about." About half-past seven, a portion of the same mob, finding the bricklayers and labourers had resumed work at the buildinirs in Pool Fold, came up. manufacturers, so far as we can judge from the tenor of their published resolutions, fully concur; and we trust, that the wise course which they have chalked out for themselves in this extraordinary crisis will be steadily pur- All application raPKtingAdvertucmtntt mutt be pott paid, or On will not be received. Application directed to ttadeto the printers mtut be perirenal: t'n tveh caiei, no written communications can be attended to. For can any personal inquiries be answered, tchcn the address ii to be If letter. the -whole county was speedily apprised of the proclamation.

The reward of 50 offered therein had a very powerful effect as any one bent on mischief had no certainty that he would not he betrayed by those who took part with him. Some individuals concerned in the riots have disappeared, and it is supposed will not venture to return till all is supposed to he over. MONDAY. Stbangewats. This morning, the smoke issuing from the chimney of the nrint-works of Messrs.

Heald, Wilson, and Co. that the only remedy for the present alarming distress and wide-spread destitution is too immediate and unmittilatcd adoption, and carrying into law, the document known as the Peoples That a trades' delegate meeting be held at the Hherwood Inn, Tib-street, on Monday, Aug. fSlh, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, to which every trade in Manchester i particular requested to send a delegate, to represent its opinions at the present truly important crisis. And that this meeting pledges itwlf not to commence ork again until such delegates have come to a decision; and likewise call upon all other trades who have ceased labour to remain out till that 1 That this meeting call upon the shopkeepers to convene a public meeting forthwith for the purpose of electing delegates to confer with the trades' delegates as to the best means to be I. 4 That this meeting individually and collectively pledges itself to become the conservators qf the peace, discountenance the destruction of propcrtj anil will assist to arrest whom they find trj ing to create a breach of the 4 That Jamci Farrffl, John Martin, and Thomai Crabtrea, draBeri and dyers.

Thomas Johnson, the slrcrs. Koocrt Hayes, the silk weavers of Astlev. "ayl.a Tomklnson. united order of smiths. I.

Vv illiamson and Kinder Smith, the weavers of Oldham. John iNeild, the hatters' union of Oldham. VV uliam Bradley, tho plumbers and glaziers. Alexander Hutchinson, the ire drawers and card-makers. "Warn Robinson, the smiths cf Manchester.

Henry Worthington, the plasterers of Eccles. llobert Richton, stone masons. George Vv'interbottom, nw of Oldham Thomas Evans, colliers of Oldham. Thomas Havies and Joseph Manarv, bricklayers of Manchester. David Webb, ckiss makers of Manchester.

John Bury, colliers of Eccles. Robert Bell, boot and shoemakers of Oldham. James Collinson, Daniel Donovan, and James Knight, power-loom overlookers of Manchester. John KUahaiv and John Roberts, boiler makers of Manchester. Henry Holt and James Sutton, mule spindle makers of Manchester.

James and William Marshall, spindle and fly makers of Manchester. Robert Parry, Charles Rourkc, and John Connor, fustian cutters of Benjamin Molt, bookbinders of Manchester. Thomas Mosley, Edward NVorsley, and George Hadfirtd, spinners and stretchers of Manchester. John Ward. John Thompson, and Charles Smith, sawyers of Manchester.

John Mnlineaux. cotton spinners of Bolton. James Greenw nod, pou cr-loom eav ers of Uev ood. James vValnhousc and Thomas haunders, silk sniallwarc weavers of Manche-tcr. Samuel Barun.

hammermen of Oldham, leter Fraztr and Henri Buxton, steatn-cngineraakers of Manchpstin and recommended the withdrawal of a rewlution, which was only the beginning of a paper war with the authorities, and the substitution of "something in its stead, which would effect something practicable. The resolution was then withdrawn. William Stott then proposed the following resolution: "That, from the statements made before this delegate SSi'Sfln'V ldous majority in these great manufacturing distrirbi are in favour of the people's wlfh i. Uni- nd- iD nibnnlty wlth that opinion, it is at thi, stage the nwdln necessary that a definite decision sh.iuld be to the future course of action to be immediately ailopted by the working cesses, stating dt finitely whether latour bi further suspended, or again resumed." This motion was seconded and agreed to. Joseph Melrose then moved 1 That the delegates here assembled rcenmniend their respective constituencies to adopt all legal means to irrv into effect the people's charter, and that thev send deletm'tsi to ev cry part of the united kingdom, to endeavour to get tho co-operation of the middle and labouring classes to carry out the same: and that they stop work until it becomes tho law of the land." Frederick Taylor, from Royton, seconded the moti.

Smith, a representative of the engravers of Manchester, moved as an amendment That this meeting recommend the pcopU to resunio their employment fortbw ith." He thought it was a complete folly for ono Dart of the community to cease working, while others "did not do so, and those who had ceased working were doing neither good nor harm. David Morrisson, from Patri-croft, said, the Mark Lane Express, hich had just arrived in town, stated that there was a falling in the public funds. The people of London manifested great sympathy with the working classes engaged in the resent movement. When the military were leaving ondon, tho people were so clamouus" that the band were ordered to strike up, in order to drown the noise of the populace. He recommended the working classes to imitate the ancient Romans, who retired to a hill, and refused to return to their labour until I come again, there will be no further continuance of the crowds about the place.

-The taalrmari: Ye, if we cannot keep the crowd from about the ddorj of course that is understood. Mr. Kay: Wo mean the district round the place altogether Hie Chatrman: Any crowd attracted by this meeting. Of course, yon do not mean that we are to keep tho crowds out of Dcansgate, and other thoroughfares. Mr.

Beswick No the place around the building. Mr. Kay and r. Beswick then withdrew and, after a few minutes, they returned, accompanied by Daniel Lee and Thomas Cooke, Esqrs. magistrates, who declared the meeting illegal, and, without any parley, said they would give them ten minutes to disperse, and then left tlie room, The Chairman, who had been putting tlie amendments to the meeting when Mr.

Beswick was first introduced, now- resumed the regular business, an if no interruption had been given.) He (the chairman) said the meeting was legal, and, as such, could not be interfered with. The amendments were then severally put to the meeting, vnd their BUpporters were very few. The original resolution was then put, and carried by an overvv helming majority. There were 141 delegates present when the resolution was put from the chair. The meeting then adjourned till ten o'clock to-morroiv-( Wednesday), when tho delegates will ro-assemblc at the Shcrwood.Inn,Tib-street.

Chartist Tea. Partv. Last evening, a chartist tea party and ball, as previously announced by placard, were given in the Carpenters' Hall by The committee for the erection of Hunt's monument." Tho room and gallery were, densely crowded, and an amateur hand was in attendance. John -Murray presided. After tea, the Rev.

James Scholetield entered the room, and announced that Mr. Foargvrs O'Connor was unable to attend; as lie was, in conjunction with other chartists, engaged in considering what measures wero best to be adopted in the present crisis. Several chartist sentiments were then proposed from the chair, and responded to by some operatives, and a few songs were cunjj; after Inch dancing commenced, and was kept tip till a late hour. going on within. As It was feared that this would lead to a Tisit of the magistrates and the military, and might perhaps lead the authorities to break up the meeting, a delegate went out to the crowd, between two and three o'clock, for the purpose of warning them to disperse.

Having led them over into the hollow in Granby Row Fields, to the number of five or six hundred, he told them that if thev were honestly desirous to aid the cause which the delegates wished to promote the welfare of the working classes they would not assemble in the vicinity of the hall, as they had lately been doing, as they were thereby running the risk of converting what was otherwise a peaceful meeting into what the authorities would ca" an illegal assemblage. They might rest assured, that the delegates, who considered themselves a committee of public safety at the present crisis, would lose no tune in bringing their deliberations to a close; and he would pledge his word to those whom he addressed, that, as soon as they had brought thcu- proceedings to a close, the walls of the town would be placarded with an address pointing out what course they ought to pursue, in order to insure the Inumph of their cause. Another speaker then briefly addressed the crowd. Thev could not prevent the authorities from showing their teeth, ho said; but it wonld be their own (the people's) fault, if they let them bite. After giving three cheers for the charter, the assemblage then quietly dispersed in all directions and, a few minutes, not a single person was to be seenm the vicinity of the hall.

Previous to the breaking up of the crowd, however, information had been conveyed to the authorities that an open-air meeting as being held in Oranby Row Fields, in defiance of the proclamation of the magistrates against all such gatherings. Accordingly, two troops of the First Dragoons, two companies of the Grenadier Guards, a company of the 0th Rifles, and a company of the ollth regiment, proceeded to the spot but, on rinding that the meeting had dispersed, thev merely passed along Garratt Road to the canal bridge, and then returned to their quarters. TUESDAY. Mr. Feirccs O'Connor.

Mr. Fcargns O'Connor arrived here bv tho Manchester and Birmingham Railway, this morning at halt-past siv. o'clock, and proceeded in a cab from the railway station direct to the house of the Her. James beholefichl, cry-street, Ancoats. It was part of the programme of tho proceedings of this day, in commemoration of the 16'th August, lljlil (the Peterloo meeting), to open a monument of the late Henrv Hunt, which has been erected in the burial ground attached to Mr.

Scholefield's adjoining his house; and it is now (noon) supposed that the proceedings of the day will be confined to an assemblage in this burial ground, which is of very limited extent, and the private property of Mr. SdiulnfieUl. and to a sort of address to those present by Mr. O'Connor, with reference to the late Mr. Hunt, 'in the character of what the French call an efow, probably seasoned bv observations on what is passim; around and by abuse of the magistrates and tho constituted authorities generally.

This and a tea-p irty in the evening are all the demonstrations likely to bo made by the chartists on tliis occasion. We understand that the procession for wliich an elaborate programme was in preparation, with ample directions for marshalling the different trades, and giving the route to tho field of Peterloo, has all been abandoned the horses intended to draw the hero of the day, -Mr. Feiirgus O'Connor, were countermanded soon after his arrival; and the affair was verv prudently contracted to the limits wc haicspecifieif above. The leaders, of course, gave information to the different trades in this tow and the immediate neighbourhood but, as this was communicated onlv privately and not by placards, and as it was only imperfectly spread, it did not reach the remoter country districts, and consequently many of the workmen came in this morning from places distant ten or a dozen miles or more, not being aware of the change. The town was very full but all continued peaceable during the forenoon, nor did there appear to he the least mains or that turbulent and riotous spirit manifested this dav week and the following days.

Meetings or Trades." A meotintr of "the operative plumbers and glaziers of Manchester," convened hv placard, was held this evening at the Black a-Moor's Head, Hunt's Hank, for the purpose of taking into consideration the measures necessary to he adopted at this crisis. Tho placards calling the meeting requested all of the trade to attend, as matters of the utmost importance would be discussed. "Prm i. uii'i Order. The general meeting of the print dvers, bleachers, and lalniurcrs general, nf the print shop- in ami about Manchester, will take pi ice ilia large cnuunixlinus room.

Pmviilenei -street, l'ollard-strcrt. this day, August Kith, llilJ, at three o'clock. By order of the delegates." The Pnocissinv Arvniionco. We have elsewhere stated, the proposed procession ot this day had been abandoned and. in the course of the morning, small liund-lulls appeared on the walls, of which the following is a copy oeession and Meetimi Pi ehibiii In the A ullmnties.

The committee, for the erection of Mr Hunt's monument, respectfully inform the public, that, in conscipienc of the very unexpected excitement of the town of Manchester and its neighbourhood, easioned bv the turn-out for an advance of agest tbev have decided that the procession anil meeting in Mr. Kclmlclicld'H premises. aanniimiil in former hills, for the llitii Augu-t, 1812. vv ill nut take place, lest it should give an opportunity Ui increase that excitement, the odium and consequences of vvhii has been nttempted to be fixed on tlieclmrtist body. The tea-party and ball, as bv former Stranccwnjs (late in the occupation of Messrs.

Coates and gave intimation that the hands in their employ had resumed work. This intimation was not disregarded by the turn-outs hut as they were aware, from previous attempts, that it was in vain to pass along Hunt's Bank to the wonts, tney despatched a body of picked men, stout yojing fellows, by Salford and the iron bridge, into Stnuigeways. These men passed along by twos and threes, till they got to the bridce. when thev crossed it in a body about a hundred strong, many of them provided with sticks. The bridge-keeper was "absent but his wife was standing at the door to receive toll, when the body came up to her and one of them said, We may pass, I suppose." The oman, being intimidated by their numbers, and knowing it was useless to refuse them, said Yes." Thev were then Drocecdinu along, and had entered Mary- street, so as to pass by back streets to the print-works of Heald, Wilson, ana i-o.

wnen tne Uncetnam force of special constables, having been apprised of the approach of this body of turn-outs by one of their sentinels, suddenly turned out from the Ducie Arms, to the number of about sixty, all ell provided with thick sticks. They came up to the turn-outs, and immediately ordered them to go back. The more numerous, but less disciplined body, hesitated, but it was only' for a moment they then abandoned their intention, which on the road they had turnoutthe hands at the Strangevvays print-works); and, deeming prudence the better part of valour, they retreated over the bridge back into Salford, not a little mortified and crest-fallen at their rencemtre and its result. For some time there was a reasonable expectation, that the attempt would be repeated with a stronger force but the event proved that the experiment had been so unsuccessful, that the turn-outs were in no humour to repeat it aud the district, and, indeed, the townshiDs of Cheetham and Broughton generally, remained, during the rest of the day, in a very quiet and peaceable state. Determination or the Masters.

Tho committee of master-spinners, manufacturers, machine-makers, mill'vrights, mechanics, printers, dyers, and others employing workpeople in the 1k-roughs of Manchester and Salford, have continued to meet daily (Sunday excepted) in the offices of the Chamber of Commerce and, on this day (Monday), at half-past one o'clock, they passed tho following resolution unanimously "That the mills and other public works of Manchester and Salford be nnt opened for work, until the workpeople therein cmplejcd signifv their desire to resume labour." We understand, that already numbers of hands are determined to resume work to-morrow (Wednesday) morning, amongst others, the hands of Messrs. (tar-diner, Bazley, and Co. It is also expected, that many of the mechanics and other trades will resume work immediately. Messrs. Bielev Co.

In the course of the day, Messrs. Birley and Co. issued the following notification, in the form of a small printed bill: Chorltnn Mills, August 15, IS42. Wc have thought it riejit determinedly to resist the demand and efforts nf a law less mob, and not to cease offer-my employment to the hands accustomed to work at these mills. In tin's course we have persisted, from the duv hen wewereattneked, until theilosoof l.istvieek.

On Fndav and Saturday, a large pro'Kirtion of the hands did not come, and vve relnctantlv close our mills until know that we shall lupiui hare hands to attend lo the machinery, in the ninous departments. We l.unent the necessity for su-spciidinK tho payment nf weekly to a lai-xe number of usually contented and well-conducted individuals, on manv of, whom others depended far support. B1HI.K CO." The Committee of the Town Council Sit daily in the Commissioners' Room, at tH Town Hall; and they arranged the following stations, the borough being divided into 13 ward stations; a force of 101 men being placed at each, with a gentleman on norsobavk, whose duty was to communicate with the "VI SI WU, IV, I1I7SU LUIIUIIUIIj.ull Mll.ll bllU I Town Hall, iu ease of any necessity for further aid in which case a body of '2(10 special constables, besides the police and the military, were in constant readiness to go to their assistance. These, it will he seen, form a circle of posts within the chain of outposts above no-tiied; and from each of these ward stations a report was transmitted to the Town Hall every quarter of an hour, of the state of the ward and us neighbourhood. The following arc the W.vnn Stations.

Xeir Ci osi Ward. Cotton Tree, Great Ancoats. St. Micluiel't Word. George Inn, St.

George's Head. ('attentate Chunh Wai d. Waggon and Horses, Thomas-street. Clement's Ward. -Brunsvv iek Hotel.

Piccadilly. Exchaiuie Word Bull's Head. Market Plate. Oraid llari. Bull's Head, London Bond.

St. James's Ward Hallway Hotel, Deunsgate. si. Ann's Ward. Mr.

Webb's ofiice, HI, Brown-street. S'. John's IJ'm if. station-house, 24. Ullny street.

Vhorlton-on-ilcdlaik. Town Hall. Grosvenor square. llulim; Township offices, Great Ardu itk. Township offices, Cnion-street.

I'teethain Ward. Tow n's offices, near Workhouse. Forty or fiftygentlemen mounted were passing between these btations and the out-posts and the Town Hall others, rode out tor three or four miles on the roads, and even as far as Radcliffe in one direction, and five or six miles in others, in order to bring intelligence of any considerable body of men coming towards tlu-town. In tins way tho authorities at the '1 own Hall had the earliest information, not only from every district in the borough, but from every part of the suburbs and from every adjacent township, to a distanco of several miles and thus there was no possibility of any considerable assemblage taking place vvitlitn tlm of mill hands, at lyARFENTEiis riAi.L. spacious anil populous area, without tne autiionties being aware of its existence, and taking instant mens to put it down.

I ho reports during the day from every quarter were of a peacctul character. iHL-, meeting pegs oi tne vvoraing elastics not to uo intoxicating drinks until the people's charier becomes the law of the That the best thanks of tilts meeting be qiven to the rive mechanical trades, who took the responsibility and expense upon tlieniselv es to convene the two meetings which have been belli in this hall on Thursday and 7- That be printed and posted in and balford, to give publicit to the resolutions carried at this meeting; and that each trade pav its part of the expenses 8. That the best thanks of this meeting bejjiven to the chairman for the erv candid and impartial manner in which he has fulfilled his duties in that capacity at both By order nf the meetinx. J. MIDDLETON, Chairman." SUNDAY.

APPREHETVSION OF Two LEADERS. About half-past one o'clock this morning, Mr. Berwick, having obtained warrants for two men who had taken an active part in inciting a mob to attack the Adelphi print-works, proceeded to their dwellings to apprehend theni. Ho was accompanied by the whole of the first div iion cf constables, and proceeded first to No. 'i6.

Silver-street,, a small house occupied by an operative dyer, named Isaac Tinier; and, the special constables liaving surrounded the house, Mr. Beswick made his way into it, and apprehended Tinker in bed. He was conveyed to the Town Hall lock-up and then tho same party proceeded, about throe o'clock in the mdrning, to No. 29, Back Queen-street, Deangate, which house was surrounded in the same manner as Tinker's; but the party were kept for some time knocking at the door, before any one could gain admittance. At length Mr.

Beswick got in, and found that the house was let off in separate rooms to a number of tenants. The man of whom he was in search as named Seddon, and, having at length ascertained hich was his room, Mr. Beswick entered it, and found the bird now and the window open. He imme diately jumped out into overawall into two small tenements, and at length found Seddon concealed in a place containinjz a quantity of ashes. He pulled him out and the moment Seddon found himself on terra firma, he seized Mr.

Beswick by the fought with great violence. With the assistance of a special constable or two, however, he was secured, and marched off to the lock-up at the Town Hall. We understand that these apprehensions have been made in consequence of what these two individuals said and did on Friday evening last. On that evening, there was a meeting in Carpenters' Hall, of which Tinker was the chairman. In the course of his address to that meeting, he recommended that, when it was over, they should proceed to the print-works of Messrs.

Wilson, Brothers, Adelphi, Salford, and turn out the hands. The meeting, in conformity with this suggestion, was soon afterwards adjourned and the persons composing it did proceed to the Adelphi, I'inker appearing to have the command and marshalling of the men. There they succeeded in turning out the hands, as we have before stated; and it was observed, that the prisoner Seddon was particularly active, and was violent in his language at the works, demanding and insisting that the hands should come out. The prisoners wero afterwards conveyed to the New Bailey. Strangevvats, Ciieetiiam, and Broixhito.n.

Ow ing to the judicious arrangements made, by means of a very efficient corps of special constables, consisting of gentlemen residents of these townships, of paid constables, and a few experienced police officers, who patrolled the roads, and, at the entrances to the town, both by StranKeways, Ducie Bridge, and Scotland Bridge, stopped and turned back all groups of two or three who appeared to be quitting the town on expeditions for tile purpose of levying contributions in the suburbs, a most effectual was put to the sort of marauding parties, which, in these and other districts, had caused so much al 'i on previous days, by de-iiiandini; bread or money at the houses of the resnect- able residents, and generally at hours when none but trmaics were at home. -Notwithstanding it was the Chcetham Wakes Sunday, an occasion which is sure to bring together a con.siderahle number of the idle and disorderly, wo have rarely seen tho roads more free from noisy people, or from large groups of a.iy kind and the inhabitants of these townships generally experienced great advantage from these arrangements for the preservation of peace and order within their limits. Reinforcements of nir. Militarv. This morning there were some timely arrivals by railway of troops, both from the south and from Ireland.

The hirst or Grenadier Regiment of Foot Guards left London (Euston Square) about 10 o'clock on Saturday evening, and arrived here, by London and Birmingham and Manchester and Birniiii'diam railways, about five o'clock- this morning. This fino regiment, of which the Duke of Wellington is colonel, wc understand is under the command here of Colonel Sir Ord Honeynian that portion of it which is here is 500 On landing at the station in London Road, the men formed in order, fixed their bayonets, and then marched through the town to the infantry barracks, Regent Road, Salford, which wc believe they have a precedent claim to occupy over the the other troops. They brought with them I stock of ammunition, ixe. and some of the borough police officers proceeded with them to press carts into the queen's service, for its conveyance trom the railway to the barracks. This service was performed without confusion, as, being Sunday, the porters' carts were all at liberty.

The 1st guards brought with them a quantity of ball cartridge, in 30 or 85 kpjjs, which were placed in a spring van, which, we believe, is hired to convoy it from place to place, as it may be wanted. The tall, stalwart-looking men, with their soldier-like appearance, high grenadier caps, and handsome uniform, attracted considerable attention from those who were in the streets at that early hour. By the same train arrived the troop (about thirty-six men) of the Royal Horse Artillery, with two field-pieces (six-pounders), and a quantity of balls, ammunition, ive. which completely filled one of tho large lurries of the carriers. This was escorted trom the railway station under a guard of the artillerymen, mounted, to Mr.

Brogdcn (late Bywatcr's) carriage and horse repository, Peter-street, which is now occupied as station or temporary barrack, for the 1st Dragoons and the horse artillery. By the train which left Liv erpool at seven o'clock this morning came a further reinforcement of troops, the or Rutlandshire Regiment of infantry, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Frith. They ore from Dublin, and are about seven hundred strong. Wo believe they were in the first instance billeted at the public-hou-es in various parts of the town, but were subsequently rcmov ed to the barracks in Regent Road and Tib-strcet. These reinforcements increased the efficient military force in the town very considerably.

It consists of one regiment of cavalry (the 1st Royaf Dragoons, under the command of Colonel three of infantry (the 1st Guard, the 58th, and the 60th Rifles, under the command of Colonel Trevelvan), one troop of the Itoval Horse Artillery, with two six-pounders, and one company of tho Royal Artillery, also with two six-poiuidcrv, and two how iUcrs. at Cuu'enters' Hall. In the evening, a public meeting was held at Carpenter' Hall, (iarratt Road, when lectures were delivered by a person named Bell, and P. M. M'Douall.

The room was crow (led in the extreme, but tho greatest order prevailed. The principal points of the lecturi were, the enforcement of the propriety of the people's charter; and a perseveranec in the present course which they had adopted, as the surest means ot speedily obtaining that object. The Rev. James Scholetield entered the mom towards the conclusion of the lecture, and was received vv ith loud cheers on the part of the audience. At the eoneluson of M'Douall's address, he made a few observations to the meeting and said, that Tuesday being the anniversary of the bloody massacre of Peterloo," and it having been reported that a large procession of the chartists of this town and the surrounding district would he formed, for the purpose of visiting the scene of that catastophe after which, they would proceed to Mr.

Scholefield's chapel, in Ev cry-street, and there he present at the ceremony of laying the stone of the monument, now in course of erection, in the grave-yard adjoining that place of worship, to the memory oi the late Henry Hunt; he (Mr. Seholcfield) had deemed it proper to The magistrates of this town should ha-e blien fe in The men whoscl nil'me9 on th doubt, respectable and estimable men. i.nV.n'.h.Xnr,.! At half-past five o'clock this morning, a meeting of BS l. the means by which the people should express "spinners, power-loom weavers, workers on self-acting tht'lr opinions, when they (the magistrates) had dic-mules, and card-room hands," convened bv placards, tat0" tllu, subject on which those opinions should be was held at Carpenters' Hall, which was q'uitc filled. expressed.

Hear, and cheers.) The delegates There could not be fewer than about 2,000 present had assembled for the purpose of preserving the public and, so far ai could bo judged by appearances, they P.eacu tllc.V llad already published resolutions to were for the most part of the'desenptions of mill-hands effect, agreed to at previous meetings. They were specified above. No women or boys were present the i'lso tor the purpose of consulting as to the placards calling the meeting having warned them lo u.c,t measures Inch could he adopted under existing remain at home till the decision of the meeting was circumstances. They were the true conservators of Amongst other resolutions passed was one ie peace; but the magistrates, who had put forth to send 16 delegates (lour from each of the above tllat placard, were thee who had taken every possible 'to wait upon the masters, for the purpo-e means to arouse public indignation. They were the of statins tbeir grievances, and learning what under- who, a lew days ago, called on tho people to send an tn I address to our representatives in tmrliameiit.

callimr on bills, will take place the evening, at Carpenters' Hull. A number of ei neat china models of the monument lime arrived, and will be exposed for sale on tllat lit from Is. Id. to Is. fid.

enchj the profits of which ore for the funds of the monument. JAIs. SClIOl.El'IELD, Chairman." This morning, the workmen in the employment of Messrs. Williams, Broughton Bridge, resumed work, without any attempt on the part of the mob to prevent them. There was, indeed, a small crowd, chiefly composed of women and hoys, who assembled at the dinner hour, and endeavoured, by hooting and calling names, to prevent the hands from returning to their work, but without success.

Wc understand, from several gentlemen who have been in the neighbourhood of Whitctield, Stand, Pilkington, and Itadeliffe, that tho weavers in these neighl ourhoods are all to return to their work tomorrow (Wednesdny). Adjourneo Meeting op Delegates. At half-past ten o'clock this morning, the delegates assembled at the Hall of Science Alcsandor Hutchison in the chair. Tho secretary having called over the names of the delegatus, the chairman opened the. proceedings by reading the following address, which had been agreed to nmf published by the committee To the Tt itdet nf Manchester find the snrronnd'tinfiistricts.

rcllov.Citi,ciLs,--liiipr.-ssisl ith profound sense of vour yrcnl expectancy, and tbii importance vow ultiKh to our proeeeoimis, ns me irue lino ooia wii represi niiuivcs oi the people of these districts, we hasten to lay before voll the result of our sittings. We find, by reference to the reports of tlie delegates assembled from various parts of Lancashire Yoik-lnre. that it is the embodied opinion of the working elussLs front a comp-irison of the past xvit'i tile present, as a criterion to of the future, that no sufficient gu-i-rantee is nllordcfl to the proiineei-s nf vr.tltb, but from the tuioptinn and establishment of Ihe people's politual rights, as a safeguard foi the livis. llbirlns, and of the nation generallv And vve are further nf nmiiion. that unv interference with the ltal anil recognised constilutem-vl rights of the people, win thcr hv plac.iril or othcrw is detriments! to the preservation nf the p-iblii peaci and t'l th" nrnteetion of We.

the lii linnoiiiHo to our eoli-titnents, illative iLs-a-mblo this ditv. lit ten oVloek. sin bv the mdcstiurtlMe bulwark of public id prepared to natch over mid guard the people mmiinrr. mid nren mteresr. rs ni iumii m.

i m- imci-ine proposes appointing delegates to wait upon anil confer with shopl.t epers, dissenting clergymen, itiul the middle for the purp we of ascertaining how far the are prepared to assist mid support people in the sti uggle foi thcnitaininentnf tl.eiTpolitical rights, means to the removal nf the wide-spread di-lltution ami nvv fill distress which prevails thro. iglwut these islands. We voune-pre'entatiic-i, i.ill most emph.iticali) upon the pi nplo to discontinue the produi tinii or ircation oT wealth, until the result nf our deliberations are imule Known to the people we renresent. We have ulllvolle course of eopiluet and, by threats and intimidation, and the display of Lueir uuiuoera, eooipeiieu tne men lo ueaisi wuraui.

This is the second or third instance of the mob pene trating the centre of the town almost within sight of the police office but, as soon us they had accomplished their object, theydispersed to re-unite in another part of tne town, and in tins way tney eiuaea toe ponce, in various other parts of the town and neighbourhood, they stopped masons, bricUayers, ioinere, indeed workmen in any of the building trades, who were found doing repairs or at work on new erections. They stopped the workmen employed at the New Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Higher Broughton, at the new church, nearlv opposite the union workhouse, New Stretford Road, and various private buildings. About half-past ten o'clock, there was a considerable assemblage about the Manchester Gas Works, Water-street and Lower King-street the persons were said to be bricklayers and their labourers. They were watched but, though they remained congregated in that vicinity for some time, tney committed no acts of violence. Meetino ok Dvers, Hall of Science.

About half-past ten o'clock, a number of persons were obsened congregated in the neighbourhood of and in Camp Field and shortly afterwards a procession of about a hundred individuals arrived on the field, and entered the Hall of Science (the socialists' place of meeting), which was subsequently nearly tilled by the crowd. The foreman of Messrs. Worrall, djers, Sal-ford, was called to the chair and the object of the meeting was stated to be to take into consideration the course that ought to be pursued in the present crisis. The general opinion appeared to be, that they, as a trade; ought to support the effort now being made by the mill hands, anil by other trades, to obtain a fair day's wage for a fair day's work and, after some discussion, it was ultimately resolved (the show of hands, however, was not unanimous), that the meeting pledged itself and all presentnot to return to their work until the people's charter should have become the law of the land. A number of individuals present, in the employ of different dvers, ioincd the union.

The meet ing adjourned about twelve o'clock to two in the afternoon, at wliich hour they were to meet delegates in their trade from other towns this neighbourhood, and the discussion with reference to the charter was to be renew ed. Another Meeting at Cabpf.nters' Hall. At twelve o'clock there was a nicotine; of some of the trades at Carpenters' Hall, the object of which was stated to be to elect delegates to represent the trades present, at a meeting of delegates to be held at Sherwood Inn, on Monday next, at twelve o'clock. Amongst other things stated at this meeting, one of the speakers said, that they must consider it "unsafe to bemn work until after Tuesday next, the lflth of August," on which day they appeared to anticipate the arrival of Mr. Feargus O'Connor, and a "grand procession to 1'eterloo, it bci: beinc tho anniversary of tne meeting of August liny.

At two oclock, another trades meeting was held at the Concert Tav ern, Oxford Road, at which we believe it was resolved to keep out till the people's charter should be obtained. During the forenoon, especially from about half-past eleven to half-past twelve o'clock, great numbers of nun were observed enteringthe town by Oldham Koad, in groups of three or four persons. The greater part oftheru wore dark fustian clothes, and it was noted that they were nil provided with sticks. They passed along peaceably, and were suffered to enter the town without stop or questioning; and we have not heard of them since. Oxford Road.

About ten o'clock, a group of between twenty and thirty individuals seeing one of the Messrs. Birley passing along the street at a short distance from the mill, pursued him, throwing stones at him. Two or three special constables, who came up at the time, and attempted to hold the fellows in check, were assailed by them with stones, brickbats, and other missiles, and were obliged to seek temporary shelter in some houses. Mr.Birley got away without having received any serious hurt, except that he was knocked down by a black, who was atterwards captured. It was observed, that along the line of Charles-street, which leads from Granby Row Fields and Carpenters' I Hall to Oxford Road, near to the mills of Messrs.

Birley and Lo. and also in thesmall, narrow streetsoncachsule. exclusively inhabited by mill-hands and other opera- ui-s, coic-iiieraoic quaiiiiLies oi stones, nncKoais, c. had been deposited in heaps, ready for use. Supcrin-tendant Beswick, of the police, despatched a strong body of police and special constables to the place.

about one o'clock, who kept all the evil-disposed and nun people in me ncigiioournood in cnecK, wniie several labourers removed the whole of these missiles in carts and this was accomplished without any interruption. St. Geohci's Fields. About eleven o'clock this forenoon, an attempt was made by some 300 individuals to prevent the, mail train from starting on the Manchester and Leeds 'Railway but the timely arrival of the police defeated this intention, and several of the rioters were captured, and lodged in the New Badpy. Their subsequent examination will he found elsewhere-l Oak-stheet Mill.

Tib-street being the place of rendezvous for the delegates, Inspector Love, four sergeants, and thirty policemen were stationed at the Oak -street Mill, the property, of Mr. James France, for tho purpose of projecting it, and preserving the peace of tho neighbourhood. New Cross. At half-past four o'clock this morning, a detach ment from the division of police (wtuch is under the command of Superintendent Stephenson) was stationed at Boardinan's Mill, with the view of preserving a communication between the Oldham Road station and the Town Hull and also for the Dumose of Droscrvine the peace in Swan-street, Aneoats-street, and New-Cross, those centres of riotous movement hut, during tho earlier part of the day, all remained tolerably quiet, though the streets were crowded. S.v I.FORD.

During- tho day there has been little to disturb the peace of the buough. Indeed, the only circumstance connected with the riotous proceedings of the week, that we have heard of as occurring this day, was that the bricklayers and labourers who were at work at tne nreweryof Mr. liupton, were stopped about eleven o'clock, by a body of about a hundred men, who insisted that they should cease working. The men left off, and went away and the mob then proceeded else-w here. CiiM'Tinn AM) BllOLOHTON.

During the forenoon, small parties, each consisting of four, five, or six men, with sticks, were observed on the roads and in the lanes of these townships, apparently without any particular business or object, as they loitered about. However inquiries were made by the police and special constables, and it did not appear that the inhabitants had been subject, during the morning, to any further annoyance by applications on the part of such individuals or groups lor food or money. Kek.sai. Mooh. Ono of the most formidable assemblages during tho day appears to have been that of a body of at least five hundred men, who came, it was supposed, from Bury or the neighbourhood, appeared on Kersal Moor (the Manchester race course), and proceeded thence to Messrs.

Blcackley's dve-vvorks the hollow, which were then working, and mi the men being turned out. This having been done, they left; and it is said after holding a meeting on the Moor, which, however, was not of long duration, the greater part of them proceeded, as they stated, to l'llliiigton, Uns-vvorth, and that neighbourhood, ord( to turn out the hands of any establishments they might find to be at work. The groom of Robert Philips, Esq. of the Park, had taken two hornes for exercise into a lane near Prestwich; but the turn-outs ordered him to take the horses again. A party of men called afterwards at the Park, and had some provisions given them.

On the roads near the Moor, gangs of from ten to fifty in number were seen, all armed with bludgeons; they begged or rather demanded money, both on the road and at some houses in the neighbourhood, and they said that on Tuesday next, or alter Tuesday next (yesterday), they should obtain all they wanted. Lord Francis Egerton, M. P. Shortly after twelve o'clock, Lord Francis Egerton waited upon the mavoraiid the borough magistrates at the Town Hall, and expressed his readiness to give his services in any way in which they could be useful towards the preservation of the public peace. His lordship apologised for not having come at an earlier period; which, he said, had arisen from a severe accident to his jouiigest daughter (who had been thrown from her horse) liaving detained huu in the country, so that his letters had not reached him.

His lordship remained for some time consultation with the mayor and the other magistrates. State of the Bokolgii at Foch o'Clock. The reports of the mounted patrol, and of various gentlemen, who, on horseback and on foot, had visited every district the borough about this hour, universally concurred in stating, that all appeared to be perfectly quiet there being here and there small musters of men at the corners of streets, hut no appearance or indication of any tumultuous assemblages. Under these circumstances, the borough magistrates determined to give a full night's rest to the policemen, who were many of them completely exhausted by their almost unremitting duties during the week; and arrangements were made for obtaining the assUtance of number of warehousemen and others, who had not been previously sworn as special constables, to aid in keeping the peace throughout the l-orough during the night. This application, however, was not answered to such an extent as to givo security for the efficient performance of the duties; and, under these circumstances, nu appeal was made to the special constables, who were assembled in the Town Hall, in expectation of being relieved for the night.

On learning the circumstances, they one and all, in the most handsome manner, offered their services to patrol the borough during the night, although they had lieen on duty from four o'clock in the morning, and were naturally desirous to return to their homes. It was then arranged, that they should relieved at five o'clock the next (Snndav) morning, and should be exempt from duty during the remainder of that day as the police would be again fresh and ready for duty, after a night's rest. The special constables gave three hearty cheers for the authorities, and showed the licit possible feeling. It was agreed previously, that the townships of Salford, Chorlton-on-Medlock, Hulme, Ardwick, Broughton, an Chcetham, should themselves provideaforce to act as a police-watch during the night so that the services of the special constables should be limited to the township of Manchester, and the central parts of the borough. Meeting in the Evening.

There were several meetings of trades held at ditWrent places in the evening. The following are copies of the bills and placards convening some of these A public mretinn nf the painters of Manchester ill be held this evening iSaturdav i. August 1.1. in the ante-room nf fl.n CbiwnUr.1 Unit nuiruw. tuVinu mln sideratioft the Lest step tn be Liken at the prient verv mi- poriam crisis; ana 10 ouci ueiecaies ior inp conierenee which will be held on Monday and Wednesday, Auirn-t lo and 17.

All painters, whether in the union or not, are particularly inv iteil to attend. The chair to be taken at tight oMock. Aliened ('has. Tavlor, chairman." "Public- Xotie. The stone masons of Manchester are herebv iufnmitd.

that general meeting of the trade will lie held at the Hop Pole Inn. Hardman-streot. on evening, at six clock, on business nf very lucent impor tance, relative me presx'ni siaie oi uisircss. A meetins of the ironfound foundersaud moulders was held public-house, Luorlton-street at the Moulders Arms another of the stonemasons was held at tho Hoo Pole Inn, Hardman-street, at six clock in the evening; innlbor of tbn smnnW carders x-c at PimmtsSi' anotner ot tne spinners Larders, CXC. at Larpenters' Hall, at clock.

A meeting was also held at the Sherwood Inn and there appeared to be some subject under general discussion amongst tho opera- tivti but ther? was great care taken allowtfie precise purport and obicct of these meotmcs to tran- snire. One avnwed nbieot was to consider the course pursued at the present crisis but we believe the chief L- i i as to what course thev should take at the mectini: of nu, ,1, IKICSIVIV SU1V1 IU U13UUL1 U1C1U eicievraxes on MOnoav. TllE Delegate. the general'nature of the resolutions adopted at the delegates' meeting on Friday no printed copv of the 1 -j -v. i t.

to press. We now subjoin these relutSona, as stated in a nlacard. issued by the deleaate themselves is sJInnrned nubile meetfiM of tho n-rf. ncro.miilviTtjbH.n held on Fri- day afternoon, at two o'clock, pursuant to advertisement, ia the Carpenters' llatl. to take Into eiroideratico the best Vv iliMtsd tt the present alaTT-litirrrtsist ThfrJ- lowing resolutions wen? pssw; -toaive.

xneueiegates. representing various trades of Mtfchtsteracd itsv Icini- rwithdtlegs tea from virions po-tsot! snire. do meiUcaMy i ZETW1 th pnidBdJajcl anisitly i 1 Dui-u tu its lerminauon. LOCAL PROVINCIAL INTELLIGENCE State op Trade. Of course, in the present state of the town, there was hut little husiness ilrm on the.

Exchange yesterday the spinners and manufacturers being unwilling, or, from want of stock, unable, to' make sales. hat business was done was at higher rates iot uotn goous ana yarn out tie prices were so exceedingly irregular, that any attempt to specify the amount of advance would tend only to mislead. Manchestkh ani Bihmi.igham Railway. In our iast was a' paragraph, attributing to the Manchester and llirmingnam itailway directors, that they had fixed their rate of fares for first-class carriages at 35s. Such was the information given at Birmingham yesterday week to the of that paragraph, who was a passenger by the last Grand Junction train to Manchester, and who was told that by the first train next morning the charge would be 2.5s.

Not suspecting a want oi luiormauon on mis point, any more than an inclination to deceive, he had no hesitation in assuming the statement to be a fact, and expressing his opinion upon it as such. Finding, however, that the actual charge is '22s. only, he has to express his regret that he should have been led by the misinformation lie received to write the paragraph. Since writing the above, we have received the fol lowing letter from Captain Cleather, manager of the wiu uirijiiiiguam jvaiiway; To the Editor oftte Manchettrr Guardian. Sir.

I Was surmised to fimt in vmirimnwnf last, an article intimating that the fare betw re Manchester and Birmingham had been advanced two shillings since the opening of the Manchester and liirmingham Line throughout on the loth instant. I have to nenuaint vnu. that the fares, hoth fiKt nrA second class, instead of being two shillings more, are each one shilling lese, than the old rates on the Grand Junction Line. I am, sir, your obedient servant. E.


SATURDAY. This mornintr. although the riotous disposition of the people seemed somewhat abated, and, indeed, the town was by no means in either so crowded or exnted a state as on the preceding days, the shops being open, and the market held as usual, yet the most exten- siv fe, vigorous, and active preparations ere made for the proieciion oi property, mm tne preservation oi me public peace. Some of tbeso arrangements we may now describe Volcxtbeh Mounted Patrol. In our last, we noticed that a placard had been issued by the mayor, requesting those gentlemen who wero anxious as good citizens to preserve the peace of the town, to assemble on horseback at seven clock in tho morning at the Town Hall.

Accordingly by seven tills morninif, thero were between thirty and fortv tren- tlemen, all well mounted, assembled in front of the Town Hall, to tender their services to the authorities. It was then arranged, that, in case of information of a disturbance in any direction, a force should be sent out of police and special constables, at the head of which these gentlemen would proceed on horseback and, as soon as the rioters were seen, should ride up to and through them, and so turn them in the direction of tho polico and spccul constables; and then, when prisoners had been captured, these gentlemen should form themselves into a flanking party around the police and special constables to Keep the crowd from making any attempts at rescue. Between seven and nine clock, this was done in one or two instances, and the arrangement proved juitu bucecssful several prisoners being captured by the police in the neighbourhood of Market-street, and brought to the lockup at the Town Hall, escorted by the horsemen. Subsequently, it will be seen, another and still more important service was performed by these gentlemen. Chain op Out-posts.

Early in the morning, the following plan was chalked out, and put into execution and the only matter of surprise is, that it was not done at an earlier period. A number of stations were appointed on all the main roads and approaches to the town, generally at the toll bar nearest to the town, or at some bridge and at each post a gentleman on horseback was stationed, with twelve active special constables under his command, and instructions how to proceed in case of any larger force of rioters appearing than he could cope with. Tho following are the stations, enumerated in their order, that of the sun's course, or from east to west 1. Salkord. The Town This station is considerably within the circle, being distant about three quarters of a mile from the centre, viz.

the Town Hall, where the strongest body of the police and special constables are in readiness to start for any points where their services are required. Mr. Dorrington and twelve special constables aro stationed at the Salford Town Hall, in addition to the Salford police, and some of the special constables of that townstiip. 2. Pkndleton.

The Toll Bail This division is about two miles and a quarter distant from the centre, and about a mile and a half from station No. 1. Mr. Thompson is stationed here, with his horse in readi ness, and twelve special constables. 3.

Eccles Road. The Toll Bah. This station is distant about une mile and three quarters from the centre, and three quarters of a mile from No. 2. Here aro stationed Mr.

II. L. Phillips, and twelve special constables. 4. Holme.

The Corndrook Toll Bar. This station is distant about one mile and a quarter from the centre, and about a mile from No. 3. Mr. Alderman Shiittleworth is stationed here with twoke special constables.

5. New Strf.tfoiid Road. The White Hocse Toll Bar. This station is about one mite and a half from tho centre, and not mora than about half a mile from No. 4.

Mr. M'Connel is stationed here, with twelve special constables. ti. Choiu.ton-on-Meilock. The Town This is another station like that at Salford, somewhat nearer the centre than the outposts generally.

It is nearly a mile from the centre, and nearly a mile from No. 5. Mr. Jos. C.

Kidge is stationed here, with a party of twelve special constables but there is alo a strong body of tho Chorlton-on-Medlock special constables sworn in for that township, under the direction of the aldermen and councillors of the wards. C. Riisholmk. The Toll Bar. This station is about two miles from the centre, and exactly a mile from No.

5. Mr. Labrey is stationed here, with twelve special constables. There is also a large body of the inhabitants of the township, who were sworn in as special constables on Thursday, about seven hundred in number. 7.

(iAiiiuTT Road. The Bridge. This station, at the briilue over the Medlock, in Brook-street, is another inner post being about three quarters of a mile from the centre, and not more than a quarter of a mile from No. u'. Mr.

Cntchley and twelve special constables are stationed here. II. Stocki'iiut Koah. LoMiSiciit Toll Bar. This station is about two miles from the centre, and a mile ami a quarter from No.

ii. Mr. Brogdcn anil twelve special constables are stationed here. Mr. oiib of the councillors uf Ardwick ward, was aNo in communication with this station.

'I. ilvot. New Road. The Toll Bah. This station is distant ubuiit a mile and a half from the centre, ami half a mile from Nu.

II. Mr. Bubingtoti is stationed here, and twelve special constables 10. Old Ashton Kom. The Toll Bah.

This station is distant about two miles from the centre, and three quarters of a mile from No. 9. Mr. Meadows is stationed here, with twelve speci il constables. 11.

Holt Town. Mil Uikst's Mill. This station is distant about a mile and three quarters from tile centre, anil aliout a mile trom INo. HI. Mr.

tvcel-mg and twelve constables are stationed here. 12. Oldham Road. This being one of the most important entrances to the town, the police station and lock-up, Oldham Road, was occupied by about 70 oi me pouce, nu oiuor am, anu, a uorso patrol in communication with them. 13.

Sr. Oeohhe's Road. The Toll-hail This station is distant about tvv miles from the centre, and three quarters of a mile from No. 12. Mr.

Cope and twelve special constables are stationed here. 14. Svieiilm. Tin: over the Irk. This station is distant about two miles and a quarter from the centre, and about half a mile from No.

13. Mr. A. Mejer anill twelve special constables are stationed here, Ciieetiiam Hill. The Teviple Bar.

This station is about a mile and three quarters from tho centre, and about half a mile from No. 14. Mr. Bent and twelve special constables are stationed here. lt.

Lower Broughton. Toll Mate at the Sl'srENSlov Bridoe. This station is distant about a mile mid a half from the centre, and about two miles from No. 15. Mr.

Lodge and twelve special constables are stationed here. 17. StrvngewvYs. The Pitie Arms. This is an inner station, not more than half a mile from the centre, and about a uiile from No.

16'. It is kent bv a force, composed of a few policemen and a number of gentlemen ot the townships of (. ticethaninud Urouiih- ton, who have been sworn in as spivial constables for these townships, and also a numher of paid special constables, sworn in for the occasion. Altogether there aro about sixty men here, some guarding the iron bridge, from Salford to Stnuigeways and others on the (. heetham Hut roatl, and on Red The gentlemen having the direction at each of tho abov stations have received instructions to do their best with tin1 force at their command, to repress dis orderly gangs of persons lev) ing contributions in their rvspecme ncignnournooas.

cinoum inero oe any force too great for him to cope with, the gentleman is to despatch a mevsencer on foot to the manor at the lown lull, vvlnle he is to ride to the next station on his right hand, when with his back to the centre, in order to obtain a reinforcement immediately. He is, however, not to send to the centre, unless it is absolutely necessary. Tho mavor and other magistrates remained at the Town Hall, in readiness to receive communications (by mounted special constables and patrols), every quarter of an hour from the various neighbourhoods and districts of the town, and to send aid to any point or points where it might appear to be wanted. There was a very large force of both police and iH'oial constables, in and around the. Town Hall and police-office, in readiness.

As the place in which the watchmen used to assemble became intensely and oppressively heated, the Old Savings' Bank, containing two rooms on the ground Hoor, and the adjoining yard, was taken as a sort of station-house for the police at the Town Hall and benches, seats. being placed in the yard, the poor -fallows, who have had heavy duty nigm and day tne whole week, bivou acked the yard getting what sleep they could snatch thero, in the intervals of active duty. The Special Co.nstaules. This body of men were on duty as earlv as four o'clock in the morning, and rendered the most efficient service in maintaining tho peace of the borough during mo wnoie uay. tnose wno were placed, or who placed themselves, at the command of the major and the magistrates, were classed in seven divisions! Xo.

1 division consisted of a number of public-spirited gentlemen, who came forward at the call of the borough magistrates, and who placed themselves under the command of a recruiting sergeant, who also took the dutv of a on this occasion. Thev were speedily taught to form four deep, to answer to the word, anu go uimugn me evolutions "ngnt face, left face," kc. and wcrv an exceedingly active and useful body. On one occasion they cap'tiiml ten pri soners. 1 he other special constablo were formed into six divisions, each division consisting ot inhabitants and pen.sioners mixed as it was found that the civilians more speedily acquired a knowledge of their exercise when drilled togemer witn the "old sol- i dicrs," and it was thought that the latter being mixed with jounger and stouter men would prevent any repetition of th unfortunate instance of desertion and night we nouct-d in our last- four ornve of tries illusions were commanded by a many recruiting ser geants, ana tne rest bv pensioners wno Dad ocen noncommissioned officers the army.

They were all well drilled while stationed in the large room and the commissioners' room in the Town Hall, and were on the whole an efficient force during the dav. From an early hour this morning, the streets wore a roter aspect, and were evidently much less crowded on the preceding days, notnthstanding its being market day, and the consequent considerable influx of people from tho euntrv. "At a nnirts.i unn 'o'clock, there were considerable numbers of Dcrjons in ii ujuk duuKaw, gomg round apparently to see if any the mills or worts in that n'sighboorhood were rewmiog work. In one instance, they stopped gentium an on horseback, interrogated uu craerea nan. to pass on, as they did not 3Bontrsttt Strtant.

ANTED immediately, a Rood COOK. Apply at the jinwmw noiei, spring Hardens, HssiitsnW. ANTED, CARDEIL Apply to M'Connel and Co. Aacuauw rpO MECHANICAL DIt A fillTSMKN. WANTED, a 1 steady, actlvo YOUNG MA who i been used to -n- ti.

in General Entnneerinr Rita. Mbhment. The party wiu bo reiulred to write a a mliia nf lvinlr.1i... Bona piam nana, to ituo v-iceii- t.i iirewinmv of steam enalnM. mill and othsr machinery.

Strict investigation will be made a 1o the prior teadlnrs and good condnct of all applicant. Office, Walsall. rer runner i-anicuuun. ll- rn Salford Union. TI7AXTED, TWO COLLECTORS of Poor Rates, for the TV TonshlporiMiioni.ui uienoovc- union, at a per cental or Hilary adequate to HU icr annum each.

Thev vv ill he reiintred to give security to the amount of and must devote the whole of their time to the duties of their Mepceihcomce. written applications, accompanied ith testimonial oi ouuruncu to me uversecTHoi isai ford, must t5 delivered at their office, at the Town Hall Salford, on or before the 19th of August instant. Toon Hall, SalfuTd, 12th August, 1842. Situation. mo l.ETTEUPRESS PRIVthhs waktei) hv I Compositor, a Bituatlon in the above business, the advertiser is fully competent to take the Management of a Hem or Jobbing Office.

Unexceptionable references can he given. Address (prepaid) 0. P. Q. Post Othcc, Chester-field.

apartments, r. ANTED, by a Gentleman. AI'AHTMKNTS, in a TT sociable family, with whom he could dine occasional! v. Preference will be glv on where no other lodger is kept. Address, stating terms, a 2S, at the printers-.

A GENTLEMAN, who dines in town, is desirous of meeting with i-urnfortahlo APARTMENTS in a quiet, respectable family, about fifteen or twenty minutes' walk from Market-street Terms ruust be moderate. Address C23, at the printers'. WANTED, by a gentleman und his wire, with one child, who would find thcirovtn nlateand linen, a Furnished SITTINfS ROOM and HKDHOOM. with the use of the wash-house and drying ground, situate in an airy part: rent AVjinul IfS. V.i 1, It.

hn mr.m than an hour's walk from the Exchange. For particulars, address 0 23, at the printers'. fBsrtiltorifous. WANTED TO PURCHASE, a Second-hand IIIGir PRESSURE STEAM ENGINE. to 8-horsc pow er, fn good working condition.

AlmanllYlHtAVLlC PKEWL with 12-lnch ram. Address a 24, at the printers', stating particulars and lowest pint. to he sold ny auction. By Mr. IlltlOOS.

on Friday. lth August, 1842, at the house of Mr. David Iliurick Fold, Ainsunrth. near Iloltnn: VALUABLE FARMING STOCK, consisting of three draught horses and gccring, plough, harrows, summer work hnrrow, rakes, plkaW, two broad-wheeled earU with iron arms, one nnrrow ditto, about alone of hay and clover, 41 acres oats. 41 acres wheat, about three seres potatcef and turnips, with various other Implements uf husbandry.

stale to comme.ce at twelve clock. MELTINGS IN BAN PTC OCR. aifnLla Commluionrn' Hoomi, 4, Sc. James's So August. Place of Medina ana uarc Hour.

is. w. ana u. ruiwn, cotton spinners, rlmhdiile, proof nf debts, further div. and audit, joint estate, 18.

8. J. and J. C'hndwick, cotton spinners, Ifry- wood, proof of debts, further dividend, and audit, sep. estate of S.

Chndwick. 19. Do. do. do.

proof of debts, further dlv. and audit, joint estate, S. Evans, linen and woollen draper, Oswestry, proof of debt am! hiit examination, ID J. Johnson, quilting manufacturer, Manchester, proof of debts und iast examination, lfl. T.

and w. Wilson, hat trimming manufacturers, Manchester, proof of debts and last examination, 1 Wood, stuff and monsselincs dc lauie mer C. R. 10 It. 3 R.

10 R. 3 R. 2 C. K. 2 chant, Manchester and London, proof of debts and last examination.

C. ai. W. Ilovcrr, cotton spinner, Wilmslow, nudit, C. iH J.

Itrookbanks, mercer and druper, Dudley, proof of debts and last examination, C. 20. T. Stephenson, coach maker, proof of dchts, dividend, and audit, C. 22.

W. Ward, plumber, Manchester, proof of debt and assignees, C. 22. J. Hcywood.

cotton spinner, Ileaton Norris, proof of debts, first div and audit, C. 23. J. Flslicr, draper, proof of debts and last examination, C. 23.

Clegg, silk and ribbon manufacturer, Manchester and Kccles, proof of debta and last examination, C. n. 12 R. II R. In R.

11 It. in II. 11 It. 11 R. 12 POSTSCRIPT.

LONDON, TUESDAY MORNING, Auo. 16, Important from Washington Probable rejection of the New TitEt.Tr with Knolano. Wo have received highly important intelligence from Washington, indicating that the new treaty with England will probably be rejected by the senate of tho United States, and that the whole of our commercial relations with that power will be thrown open to the winds of the wide ocean. Tho promulgation of the fact, that a treaty for the settlement of the boundary Jtnd been successfully made by tho American executive nd the British plenipotentiary, had created great excHoment among tho political circles of Washington. We arc informed, on what we conceive to bo competent authority, that the ultrus of the, senate mil form a coalition, and reject tfui treaty by a very eonsulcraUt York Herald.

Mr. Baker, who is well known on the Corn Exchange as large speculator in grain, regularly announced to-day the necessity of a suspension of payments. Tho cause of this is said to be, that he purchased too large a stock of foreign grain to work off in the market, the condition of which was not such as to meet his anticipations. He is not supposed to have many connections in the London com trade who will suffer by his failure hut it is thought, that in some of the provincial towns tho occurrence may be more severely felt. Times, Monday.

The Ki'Nns. -Cm. Tho closing price of Consols yesterday was the saioe as on Saturday, 91J to both for Money and Account. Bank Stock was 170 to 171 Three per Cents Reduced, to Three-and-a-Half per Cents Reduced, lulty to 1 New Three-and-a-llalf per Cents, 100 to Exchequer Bills, file, to 53s. prem.

Tho settlement in the Foreign Howe yesterday was satisfactorily arranged. Tho account was very limited, and money easy. Spanish Active Bonds were to j); Dcierred, to fl; Passive, to 4J New Three per Cent Stock, to -J; Mexican Bonds, to Deferred, to rj Belgian, 10U to Brazilian, fia to fi Chilian, B6 to f) Colombian, 20 to Danish, 2j to 3 Dutch Five per Cents, 101.J to 2jf; dkto Two-and-a-Half per Cents, 51-J to 24 Portu-jzu OKi Five per 33 tn New Converted, 27 to H. Shares were done as follow; London and Birmingham, 87 lo 9 prem. ex Great Westerns, to i prem.

Souih Westerns', (ill to "Jj pur share Brighton), Wi to per share; Black-walls, 9 to persharo; North Midland, oG to (1 per sharo; Paris and Kouen, A to prem. THE GUARDIAN. MANCHESTER, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1042. The DisTUiuiANCKS. So much of our time and sjince has been, and is, occupied by tlic inclrtni'holy details of outnure, mid crime, mid bloodshed, iiriHinf; out of tlie prcbont insane movement of the working classes in the manufacturing districts, thut our remarks upon them must of necessity bo exceedingly brief.

Indeed, there are few topics connected with the (subject, on which we feel inclined to dwell in the present excited state of the public mind. It will be scon, from the particulars elsewhere given, that, in speaking of the outrages which were committed at the beginning of last week, as the commencement of general outbreak, we were perfectly correct in our views of tho matter. From Alunchester, and its immediate vicinity, the holiday" lias been carried, not only to the more distant manufacturing towns in Lancashire, but to a largo poition of tho West Riding of Yorkshire, to the mnnufacturine; parts of Cheshire, and to the Potteries, where the excesses of the mob have been of very frightful character and seems highly probable, that the epidomic will spread to almost every part of tho manufacturing districts. It is, however, reasonable to conclude, that the localities first infected with this strange malady will be the first to enjoy a restoration of health. Jn Manchester, vve 'hope the crisis of the disease has passed over; and that we are, at all events, approaching a state of convalescence.

Eor several days past, tho working classes have had every thing according to their wish. Labour is almost totally suspended as they desired, and nu attempt is made by the employers to cause its resumption. Hut many of the workmen aro now beginning to ask themselves, What have we gut by all this I What are we likely to get And wliat is to lie 41 our next step The full accomplishment of their plan of turning uut workmen, tne entire absence of opposition, and the consequent decrease of excitement in the town (hiring the last thiee or four dnys, have given men leisure to ponder on tnese questions; and, it we are not very greatly misinformed, they have much difficulty in finding answers at all satisfactory to their own minds. That the cessation of labour ill not of itself bring about either the establishment of the charter or an advance of wages, is now manifest enough to many of those ho have been engaged in the turn-out thev can see no second measure which seems at all likely to supply the deficiencies of the first. Into any schemes of pillage or incendiarism, like those which have disgraced another district, we aie quite confident nothing will iniel the working classes of this neirfhboinhood and would not gain, but lose, they should be so implied.

But what are they to get by sitting still or walking as they do, quietly and peaceably ttbout the street whilst their wives and families are starving at home? They have begun to think of these things and they will think of them more and more, as their excitement dies 4i; and their necessities increase. We are exceedingly glad to learn, that there is no intention on the part either of the authorities or of the manufacturers to adopt anv measures that could have the appearance of forcing a resumption of labourupon the working classes. No doubt, by opening the doors of the factories, by intimating to the workpeople that they must now resume their labour, or lose their situations, and bv making a free use of the strong civil aiil military force now at the disposal of the authorities, a pretty extensive beginning micb.t now be made. But we conceive that anv such course would be highly inexpedient, it would renew die excitement which is nmv subsidiug; it would cause collisions, endan ger the loss of life, and be productive of manv serious disadvantages, all of which we "believe, would be avoided, by allowing the matter to take the course into which i 1, a its own auuiors nave unpeuea n. ve own that we do not like the notion of working factories under the guns of the military, or tne oaton ot tno pouce; and we tinnl: mat no attempt snoma ne made to open them nt all.

until the people employed in them can be tecurev' not only from Wag for- cioiy turned out, du: trom persecution, annoyance, or ill-wib on the part of their neitthbours. In this view of the matter, the rpinners and The meeting aNo resolved unanimousfy to appoint 1'2 delegates, to be selected from their own numbers, to attend the general meeting of delegates of all the trades, to be held at ten o'clock this morning nt the Sherwood Inn, Tib-street; such delegates to be requested to attend, and report to the committee of the f.xlfiu TIoll. wlirit mi'lit nnai the moctinit of deletratesat the Sherwood Inn. The meeting, before concluding, passed the resolution I people, however, had taken a hint from Messrs. which has distinguished most of the so-called trades' Brooks- Cohdcn, Robert dardner, and others; and meetings," held during the past week, viz.

pledging thr.v (thli PPe) would not now he diverted Irom their themselves not to return to work until the people's purpose. Some members and lecturers of the Auti-charter shall become the law- of the land; and the n-Jw League, who had advised the revolutionary twelve delegates were to be instructed to convcv this measure to which he iiad adverted, were now carrying Jfemn Hushton, handnarpers of Oldham. I harks, btewart and David Momsson, mechanics of Patri-creft William Bower and William Graham, rope and tvvinc- makers of Manchester. James Worral und William Aincough, wheelwright and Muck-milh's societv. Robert M'Farlane and John Morris, calico printers.

Geoiife Peav and Kiac Blease, cordiwimers of Le'sh. ihoinas Toimsel, cotton spinners of Hevwood. William Potter, twiners. William WonJroirc, corduamers of Ashton. John HiftEinbottom and Thomas Oxford, skinners.

Thomas Wilniott and John Kclghlev metal planers, lticliiird Rviey, plasterer-. Abraham Denny and A. Patrick, trades of Ilurv. feiimuel Cooke and Joseph Parrcr, wire-drawers and card- makers. Isaac Isherwood.

trades of Kadclifle Bridse. Thomas Dav ies and J. Low is. grinders and strippers. Roliert l.nesey, ui.ichine makers of Hev wood.

Isaac Morns and Eduarrt Barker, lnotiliaker-. tieorge Herten-liuvi and Julian I lilbert. hatters of Ashton. Samuel Pembertnn and Henrv Wats-m. LulieV shoemakers.

David Pickup and Roliert Monk-, hvdrauliep.ickers'societv. Thomas Pctt and Albert VVolfenden, public meeting at Ashton. Patrick Winter, Bernard Burne, and P.itruii I.uughlin, labourers of Manchester. Thomas Heed, stonemasons. James Clarke and William Duffv.

tailors or Manchester. Alexander West, dressers of oltlham. John htott and Iticbard Grcgorv, colliers of Honwood and Blomiley. Bernard lA'Cartnev, silk weavers of Leieli. William Norris and James Dempsey, lund-loom weavers of Eccles, William riant, silk weavers of Middletnn.

hilnard Barker und William Dovle, fustian power-loom wearers of Manchester, "illiain Bell, fustian cutters of Hcyvood. I homos I'ollut and llobert D.ui-, moulders of Manchester (corse, silk weavers of Failsvvorth. Samuel EnBtlmiKS snwversof ohlhum. Alexander Moore, John Thompson, and Charles smith, sawjers. l.imcs Civaniigh, silk weavers.

John Widowson and John sutton, eotton varn dressers. Thomas Dovle, painters. John Spencer, operatives oi Uronksbottom Joseph Aniswoi th. c.ilieo printers of Middle-ton. Henry Haves and 'J liomas mechanics.

Juikiuson, mill hands of Leeds. John Kmuht and Timniits Abbott, warpers. enden a public meeting in Ashton. James Peeling, a public meeting Stah bridge. Luke Fletcher, sill; dvers ol Middleton.

Sniiiucl hcliolchcM. a public meeting in JIussIey. James Kirby, cour-e carding department. William delegate from the Manchestertailors, said, he thought the delegates had at this time very serious duty to perform. As the representatives of the people, it was neht that they should show the world at large that they were able and willing to do their duty, and vindicate their position.

On Saturday, a placard was issued by the trades, expressive of the sentiments of the delegates. In that placard they called on the working classes to co-operate, for tho purpose of preserving property, and preventing violence and outrage, and at the same time to use every lawful means in iiicir power to outain their own just rights. How had .) becn anm eri lui1 h' answered by a cuiuiiuLHiK irum me eonsiiuiieu autiionties of this town a document illegal its character, terms, and purport, and calculated to excite (he public mind. He had a motion to bring before the meeting, hearing on the for which thev hail assembled but he thought it necessary to take a'prcliminary step, in order to convince the government, as well as the authorities of this town, that they (the delegates) were not to be intimidated. He could scarci Iv believe, that the mayor ot Manchester anil the magistrates of this district would have issued the proclamation to which he rcieri'od.

He could nut think, that they would take the responsibility on themselves of "such a placard as was that day exhibited on the vvallsof the town. It must have proceeded, he at first thought, from some evil-disposed persons. That placard stated, that the authorities of the town would disperse, as illegal, every meeting, no matter for what object it might be called. They had now assembled as the representatives of the iraaes; ana were tne unancellorof England to enter the door, and command them to leave the place, they should not do so. The authorities of this town wished to disperse meetings of the working classes, in order to stifle the voice of the people.

The working clasies, however, were deeply interested in the preservation of tho peace and, therefore, it became the duty of the delegates to meet such a hostile declaration as that which had been issued as it deserved to be met, and thus to inspire their constituents with confidence in their firmness and discretion. The delegates, then, should evince a determination to resist any inroad on their just rights, which were guaranteed 111 mem inc liova mm consuiuuoii oi tne country, racier as magistrates they had not been so very tenacious thcm tostopthesiipplics to take the most revolutionary sfeP tllat 11 was possible to take to take tho purse of country out ot the hands of the executive. The houe of commons did not comply with such a request, Who could have expected that they would! The members of that house had interests directly opposed in me interests or tne people, anil tlierelnrc no such I proposition could be entertained for a moment. The iiavmgconjurcu up this agitation to the highest possible pitch, they were now iiideavouring to intimidate the vvoikiiig men, because they chose to think for themselves Those who, as anti-corn-law leagui rs, were one day exciting the people, were tho next day, as magistrates, sending the special constables upon them, hc-i cause they did not do exactly as they (the maei- rm. wished.

inu worKing mm were ucter-the peace: but. if force were mmed to preserve asscmuicu to talk of their grievances, he would tell the men talked ot ii.i'ee to be cautious. He would tell the Anti-corii-law League, and the Manchester manufacturers anil merchants, who were altogether in the same bed, that the preservation of the peace did not depend on the disposable force of the governmenttor there were not tvvw soldiers fur every narisli church in England. He would apprise them, that the deleirates were aware of the force, and did not can for it. If that force were used for the preservation of the laws, and not for intimidation or coercion beyond the boundaries prescribed bylaw, the working men would co-operate with that force.

But if force were used to violate the law, or infringe any of those small, but few, rights which the people still possessed, then thev were justified by the law itself to use force aamst force, and make an effort to rcilize those ob- Resolved, That this delegate meeting views with the RTentest indignation a placard headed A prncl.onatton to ihe inhabitants of Manchester and the surrounding in the name of the constituted authnritics. We, tlie delegates chosen hv the imiinimniis voice of the great body of the working classes in public mci-tings assembled of their various bodies legally lonveiied, feel called upon, by the urgency of the case, to declare most solemnly our firm determination to stand up in the vindication of nur just and constitutional right of assembling and discussing all matters which we conceive our interests in any digrco involved. As far the preservation of the public peace is concerned, we recommend every working until in thesedistrictstnappry immediately to the constituted authorities to be sworn in us special constables, such a course, in our judgment, affording as it ivould, the hesi guarantee of our desire to preserve issace. law ami o.der." Jcrnard M'Curtncy seconded the motion and, after some conversation, the consideration of it waspostponcd until the delegate" had made their reports. Tlie delegates then severally addresed the meeting.

Some of the trades which they represented treated the present agitation purely as a movement for an advance of wages but the great majority of them considered it altogether as a chartist movement, and stated that they would not agitate lor any thing less than tho charter. In the course of the proceedings the keeper of the nail entered the meetin in a state of irreat excitement ana aianii, ana put a letter lrom the mayor into too hands of the chairman, who read it to the meeting. The following is a copy Oreat inconvenience and danger to the public pi-Kc having arisen from tlie large bodies of persons ..110 hau 11 several occasions, nxsemhled round tlie CarpeniciV Hall; iird these assemblages having been caused bv the inee'ings 1 w-ithin the hall; the magistrates deem it right to draw ynur atlentiun to the clfcct uf such meetings, and rcipure attended with lonseipiences. nurs, WM.NEILI). Mayor, Town Hall, Manchester, 15th Augiut, 1IH2." i ii.iu.

i'uuj men 11m.n1 Ol 3 commute remiiioe 10 prepare an anuress 10 tne iiiiiaintants, embodying the mayor's letter. The motion was se-Malrosc conded, and Bernard M'Cartney and were a luuiiuuu 10 as'jsi iiie mover in tno preiiaration of the address. At the reouest of the chairman, two of the delegates then left tho advised the crowds collected out of doors to disperse. The delegates', in the meantime, proceeded with their iLitomcnt, which contained noming remarkable beyond a suggestion thrown out by William Duffy, that workmen should withdraw theirmoney from thu savings' banks. Dixon, tne ci bartist, stated, that he had seen a placard poited up, calling on the people to run on the banks for gold.

i ne secretary tne read a placard, of winch tne fol lowing is a copy linn for Labour suspindcd; public credit Is sovereign shaken: wiTerts worthless, run is now worth 3tS. Pais.r cannot cashrd. Han. middlt cluss-men. trades.

odd clubs, to liso savings' banks and all banks for gold, gold, Daniel Donovan then presented the following resolutions, which had been adopted at a meeting of power-loom weavers, held in Carjnters' Hail, on Saturday evenint; That this meeting pledges ib-clf to aLsenuntnanty illegal proceedings; and funhcr, that they will endeavour Xxi pvfierve the public peaee-" That we cannot exist with the present rate of wagc and that we are determined not to go ta work until ottr-in the prices nt Heel That earn mxsvT or p-jy ine same jnr me some tat-no or cloth throughout tiic whole of the man Una-taring district." Tlut it is the opinion of this meeting, that our political rights are imperatively nsresnary for trSypreserv-jition of oar wages hra gain it. We thcir-fore pledge ourselves tn act -witti our omer irtenas ana vnio gerw-rsu-y in gaining the charter, as the only means of securing the sakl address was snf.mitted to the meetinsbv Win. rkrffr? vi uen liii- nnn unisueu. meir siaiinnnu- i and, after some drtcussjon, it was agrepd'that it (boniil lie relerrea lo a cotrumtue lor reconsideration. The.

meeting adjourned at six o'clock to the following morning. At the conclnision of the proceedings, 4Z delegates were present. We understand that, of the several trades. Ac. seanl- ing ddegvtes to this meeting (in aii we believe 85 tradci), tV, trades expressed a deterro.natjon not to ressmce worfc octil the people's charter ah odd become the law of the land, IS were for waiting result of the meeting, seven were ready to return to their worfc when tflMT wages cn uucw, ana one my gave no instruetiow to their delegate as to what conxie be or they shnuld porsue.

AFiiiE Ai.Vt. The Miutakt canjto ovt. While the meeting of delegates was assembled in Car- pen tern' Hall, the door of the building were beritged by a crowd of wortanen, anaioai to learn what wai 1 I 1 i their political rights were conceded to them. Charles Stuart, the secretary, stated that many of the proprietors of mills were" favourable to the movement, and willing to subscribe to support those engaged in it, provided they looked for their political rights. He did not approve of confining the agitation to the question of an advance of wages.

Jeukinson, from Lees, stated that tho body he represented were willing to cease from labour, until the wanes were advanced; but, if the agitation ere employed for political objects, they were determined to return to their work. A delegate stilted, that, if they once agreed to go for the charter, though he could" not say from what source they might derive assistance, he" was confident they would Lowell supported. Robert Gardner, representative of the engravers and printers of Manchester, denounced as foolish and insane the recommendation to the working classes not to return to their labour till they obtained the charter. He was a chartist to tho back-hone hut ho thought tho people could not maintain themselves for a period sufficiently long to enable them to obtain the charter. He believed, that our commercial restrictions were not only tho cause of the prevailing distress, but also tho great" hindrance to tho obtaiiuneut of the charter; and concluded by moving an nni ndinent to that effect, which was seconded by Neild, a batter.

Candolet, from Hyde, said, there was plenty of provisions for them" on the hills plenty of good crops, with which thev might supply their wants; and he implored tho delegates to resolve upon holding out until they obtained the charter. There were plenty of persons who did no work, and vet they lived "in affluence. There were plenty of provisions in the country, and no cause for fear in that respect. Fielden, from Lees, said, the resources of the people were insufficient to enable them to abstain from labour, until they obtained tho charter. A delegate inquired, how could supplies be obtained during the turn-out consistently with "Peace, law, and order" To be sure, they were told to go to tho hills, and find provisions; but the man who had reared those vegctihle productions had a first and inalienable right to them.

(Hear.) He was told that England was not dependant on foreign produce but that assertion arose from ignorance. England had imported quarters of foreign corn since 1828, which was a proof that England wai dependant on foreign supply. The chairman interrupted the speaker to inform the meeting, that a letter had been received from Mr. Williscroft, a shopkeeper, who had addressed the on Friday last. Mr.

Hutchinson thcu read the following communication to the meeting: sur, I lK-g to sMto, that, nt a meeting nf the dissenting ministers icsteri'tv. niohiiig conclusive was come to as to what thev should do. Thev met again to-dav. They were united in their conviction." that something should he done for the poor; and 1 believe it was their opinion, that the cni n-Iaws ought to be repealed: and it whs thought that that measure would grcatlyrelieve the piesentdislress. (Laughter.) 1 have seen a minilsT of i is.peeliible people and shopkeepers this morning; und us large numbers are engaged us constables, and others fear the authorities in holding a meeting, it is not lit present possible to call any large numher tegi ther.

They are ull desirous something should be done hv government und it is lerally tho impression. 'hn'. if government would penl ihe lofn-luws, it would ntl'oul at present grout relief to the country, und would Ik. nil government would grunt. I think the'middle ihis-es wish tn nbtnill largo measures for the working men; hut the opinion is, thev must get them bv a step at a

If.vimr b.slv could obtain a large of the shnpkeciici, I would he hai.pv to attend; and remain vnurs. W. WILLISCItOPT." The meeting then adjourned till three o'clock. Afternoon Meetino. At ten minutes past three o'clock, the dolomites re assembled and, scveial speakers having declared that .1.

1 .1. .1 1 I ...111. me vvoi Kin); cias-es suiiuiii not oe suiisiieii iiiu any thing les than the charter, Bernard M'Cartncy stated, that 1.5,0110 of the people of Iaigh delegated him to declare, that from the charter alone they hoped a re dress ot their grievances. Ihe working classes had now an opportunity of turning public opinion to their advantage; and, if that opportunity were lot slip, the people would sink down into a state of lethargy, from which years of the most activ agitation would not be sufficient to arouse them. Ho would therefore call upon them to cejse any longer to produce wealth, unless that wealth were distributed in accordance with the minds of them that produced it, and concluded bv asserting, that the imoplc of Leich canui to a reso lution to stand by the turn-outs," if they did not return to their work until the charter became the law of the land.

A delegate from Fnilsworth stated, that the body he represented would not co-operate in any movement, except for the purpose of increasing wages. Several other dclceates exprevscd a similar opinion. Thev thought it best not to interfere with the charter; they wanted the same wages they had ill 18,13, arm considered tiic charter an impracticable measure. Benjamin Stott said, the cry of "a fair (lay's wages for a fair day's work" was only a clap-trap in troduced by some wno unci reeoivca their instructions from tho -Anti-eoni-laW League. There was little advantage to be gained by a turn-out for wages; for, if a paltry increase were obtained, there was no-thing to the continuance of thatndvancc.

Itwas as c.isv to obtain the charter as an advance of wages; and tho'c who inquired, "What will support Unpeople while waiting for the enactment of the should also inquire, "What will support tho turn-outs, while waiting for Rn advance of wages!" (Hear, hear.) Charles Stuart, the secretary, stated, that upwards of .1,000,001) had boon expended by mechanics, during the lust fifteen years, an endeavour to advance wages, and without meees. 'fho same amount of energy and capitil that had hcoii thus fnittlesslv nvnntl.lcil vvoiilil have obtain, il the charter. hi At five o'clock, a little alarm was f. I. constables ami police, on and on foot, Cainpfiiid.

Intelligence having born brought, that the magi'tiates were kiiooking at the dour, tho chairman ordered James linwo, the keeper of the hall, to admit them. In a few minutes, keeper of the hall returned, anil made tho following statement: "I have seen Mr. Beswick, the chief superintendent of police, und askul luui his business. 11- 1...: .1 I no siliu ins on-io'-ss was 10 nail- tin-iiowrs him 1 would inquire whether ho could bo ndniittcd, und asked bun it he would be so kind as to witit for my 1 ho doorkeeper was then dosiri to go and admit Mr. Hi When Mr.

Beswick entered the loom, the chairman asked him if ho were a delegate. Mr. Hi I apprehend you know who I am! The Chairman: I do not Mr. Beswick: I presume the informed you who 1 I iie 'hairiiiiin 1 1, I you are Mr. Beswick.

Mr. Beswick thai "tnl that the alderman nf that ward had I.e. at 111" Town Hall, and informed the li'avorand that large loncourse of per- purpopc assembled, are declared At th time I came into this room, Jexjiwted it was empty. 1 shall now down and rerincst the who aro 1:1 attendance, to come 111 and their own e'ttimpiit.

Two of the magistrates are now outi.ic. -The Cli.iin.iaii Vou are quite welcome to l.rins them in we have no oliection to adiott Mr. Beswick then witinlrow, ami altt a lew tmnutoa relumed with Mr. Alderman he introduced to the chairman. Mr.

Kay then said Mr. Chairman, aJs-aidennaB of tins-ward. I call upon you Uf uttpors. this aasemlilage It has firaducrd 'try great the minds of me inhabitants of tin district, i can upon yon to sojourn this msetirirj a large sv-s mblage has been collected otitridii of the doors and, when I applied personally to fhcni to dispcrrt', and relieve the lnliabitinti from their appn was told that thiy would not disperse. No attempt was rnado tointorferowitliyou till that took p'-M'o.

that, under these this meeting is illegal. I believe a groat portion of the individuals asfril.lcd here aro froia'thc run-minding ao'i the state of this town Li Mt-h, that individuals hare no rht to come to create atarm in the minds of the iriliaJ.i- V- mt ti dht-c'r-ie 'Hih Chairman: We have called our nit-'tinc; in a local we nave aonuiicu tne repon-ir. oi tiic yuiuitvv, aim nuciocr oi witnesses ui gallery, Wo luiTC tn mkon every prihle. mr-ars to keej ottr In a form; hivv also uwd orrr' Hhuenc to div por-o outside. Believing this meeting to lie U.M...

afft( Wo haveWdwrr promotion to -li disturh'inces, ar.d to prevent crowds from th(. doors; bit is alwaw a crf(W(i Camp a fhtl9 th' ir numU-r, to-day. Wc will every ma, t0 Ul ha Au not lwrd tt, irlf yAir i Th. JLdc -ome farther ob- tTZ 'ho it was Toe crowd, hUA fn lhc mtin of cifmt. t.nd it tn tint fact he wi-bed Us dra fv attention of the chairman.

(Mr. Kay; ni paused ttie iauluuip; nines ourou; nu; nvteune unui lur per, newer ri kn-w not. the naiitne tlie other end of the building. Mr. Berwick I have There are more than three of them.

Mr. Kay: What rtatecv-nt am i to maite us magistrates I The CSfiairirian Tiiat we "ill use ail our influence to tj-j. frow.l front about the doon; and, if we do not icucceed, -we shall in form yoo. Mr. Kay; Ami vntinoriiwr the lea-it dirturl.ance take nhu-t.

will 1 von you will then duperse Yes, The Cliairaian; The feeling of the meeting aiipeani to be, 1 that, if thev cannot get the crowd from the doom, the meeting will adj'mrn. I am happy to find," that thi is the feeling of the meeting, i Hunk ytra aiay have Mmfidenee now tlutt cw intention are not Tmorooer. and that we have no desire adopt any illegal A icon as tint neighbourhood is disturbed, we wilt inform you, and taionodiately dissolve tlie meeting. Mr. tay; I shall make these stateaaesU known to themasstate; and, if after hearing it, they deter-miae to withdraw the force, I shall expect, tiiat, when At this time (eleven o'clock, p.m.) the town remains perfectly quiet, as it has been all day.

Indesd, too only event of the day has been the delegates' meeting and its ultimate separation, by order of the mayor and the borough magistrates. Upon inquiry at the Infirmary last night, at midnight, vve were assured that Sergeant Dale, and policemen Bagnall and Abraham Leo (two of whom the London Times stated to be dead several days ago), are all doing well. TRAFFORD PARK. On Friday last, a body of about a thousand men marched in great order through Trafford Park, and had an interview with Sir Thomas De Trafford, whom they interrogated as to the number of men he had at work. On Sir Thomas informing them that he had only somo eight or ten farm servant emjjged in tho harvest, thu turn-outs replied, they had no intention to interfere with them or with the harvest.

They then asked leave to walk round the gardens, which, of course, was not refused; and we believe Sir Tlipman accompanied them a part of the way. One of them directed his attention to the regularity and order thoy observed, hich, indeed, were remarkable. Not ono of them moved out of the line, but appeared to bo under strict discipline; and the same marl tofd Sir Thomas, that to every ten of them there was tt "core stable," whom they were hound 'to obey, who dirttSctr-d! where thoy were to go, and what to do. After haviflg perambulated the garden, they took their leave, without having done the slightest injury to the plants, Ice. not one of thcm having ever left the gravel walk to step on the grass.

WORSLEY AND NEIGHBOURHOOD About half-past eleven o'clock on Saturday, a body of from 1100 to 1,000 men wero seen proceeding to Worsley, in order to stop any works in that neighbourhood that might be in operation. The neighbourhoods of Barton, Swinton, Pendlebury, Pendleton and Stretford, were all tolerably quiet during Saturday. BLACKLEY. About half-pastteno'clock yesterday (Tuesday )morn-ing, a party of men, apparently from Middleton or its neighbourhood, proceeded to this place, and turned out the hands of Mr. Crowther's bleach works.

The hands had been previously turned out the same morning, and had resumed work, when thoy were thus, a second time ejected. The orkpeople here appear very peace-ablydisposcd but, being thus deprived of employment, thoy were, when our account left, collecting for tho purpose of holding a meeting, to consider what they wore to do. About a hundred special constables, who had been previously sworn in, chose to separate and. go home ti morning, alleging that it was nceellrss for them to remain on duty, as there was no immediate demand for their services. Had they remained on duty, and fulfilled their duty, in ell probability tho bleach-works would not have lieen stopped.

MIDDLETON. In our last, we briefly noticed somo of the proceedings of the turn-outs at Middleton; but further inquiry having put ui into possession, of various facts, of which wc were then ignorant, we proceed to givo a brief notice of the events of tho last few days in this place. On Wednesday last, tho workni6n of Middleton wero steadily pursuing their accustomed work, when several persons, calling themselves delegates from the Fails-worth silk weavers, arrived thorc, and called a publio mooting, which was accordingly held in tho Market Place, on Wednesday cveninc. At this meeting, ono of the self-styled delegates brought forward a proposition, to tho effect that the silk weavers of Failsnortli and of Middleton should join the other trades in the fcneral turn-out, andslioiildininiediatDlyceascwarKmg. his proposition was, however, by no means cordially received; the Middleton people were shy both of th men and the message they brought, and they were no means anxious again to quit work and wages fnr promised shadow having, in years past, suffere grievously by listening to such advice.

Al Ifngthd however, thu motion was seconded and by the actiri, interference of a man named Ward, a silk weaver, of Middleton, it was put and carried, and tho meeting-then terminated. It was also agreed to, on the motion of some of the so-called FaiUworth delegates, that a number of the Middleton people should meet tho Failsvvorth people on the A bite Mosi cn the following morning. This Ward distinguished himself thrmv years ago, a ono of the agitators for the national holiday'' or "wtered week." On that occasion ho went to Bolton, whore he represented himself as a deloL'atc from the people of Middleton and was mainly instrumental in lending the Bolton people to lake their part in that absurd and mischievous movo-m n. When Thursday morning came, a night reflec tion had evidently tended to render live Middle-ton silk weavers more distrustful of the proposed measures, less inclined to go to White Mm, and on the whole desirous to resume their work. In fact thejr were dissatisfied with the proceedings of tho meeting, and had no wish to turn out.

However, as early as seven o'clock in tho morning, a man named Hilton, known in Middloton the chartist bellman, went round the town springing watchman's rattle, after which he mode a vociferous announcement to -the following effect: "This is to give notice, that all the weavers must give oyer working and those that don't, will have their pieces cut across." A woman, too, tho wife of transported thief, rushed about the streets, in a complete fury of blind rage, exclaiming, 1) mom pull them out; inane tnem stop work." These proceedings, together with tho fnct of Ward and a nnnilicr of tho less steady of tho Middleton weavers setting out on Thursday for Whito Mow, served to overawe the silk wenvem generally. Howevi wo believe a number of continued nt their work till the afternoon, when a mull entered the town from Oldham and other place and, as wo stated on Saturday, compelled the workmen of all descriptions in Middleton to ceawj working. By the instrumentality of Ward anil others, a delegation wa wnt to Leigh, in order lo induce the workmen thero to turn out; but, as far as we can learn, his mission was not a very successful one, nor was ho very cordially received. Ward then disappeared from tho town probably a little apprehensive, of hciiip; called to account for ih part he had taken. On Sattirlav evening, a large inectin; hold in the Market Place.

A. young man, a Middleton silk weaver, named John Hunt, was called to the chair, and proposals wore laid before, the meeting from tho works of Messrs. Kalis Schwahe ami Co. at fthodes; the blench works of Messrs. Heald, Wilson, and Co.

nf SLikthil! and the silk dyeing establishment of Mr. Brattle, sotting forth that the unfinished wort in their establishments was cither spoiling, or nt least greatly deteriorating, and requesting to know if tho hands might iio allowed to go in to finish tills work, without commencing any new work The question was put to the meeting; and, in some' measure owing to the recommendation of Hunt, it was negatived ly a majority. Kuluw-quentlv, an operative printer said, that Hunt, who a silk weaver, Cmild not understand this question and he accordingly moved as an amendment, after tin; negative had been carried, that thoy should r.e allowed to finish the work. It alo explained that all Mr. S.

Sohwal! proposed to do wo to take advantage of tlie works being stopped to clean out the dam and, for permission 'to do it was stated he offered to contribute or pv romethir.g. Some one present having whisjiered to limit, that, if l.y his influence the meeting retnsed. to allow the unfinished work to l-p completed, and it wa consequently rpoilid, he (Hunt) would be held resiKirnihle for nil the coiisequcui Tills appeared to aurm the chairman, for ho said he understood that Jik was responsible for what might take tdaiw at that meeting; and, if that were so, fie would move that tlto meeting did not entertain the question Jit all. And, in thi way, after having j.r..oiI a formal resolution of rcfuial, it' waa sought to get rid of the'rapotisibiiify of that act and the met ting terminated. On Sunday morning, another meeting was hJd in the Market Place; hut if was not ory numeronsly attended.

A report was rend from the delegate sent to Leigh, which on the whole was rather discouraging than On Monday morning another mect-; iiiif was, iiold in tho Market Place, which failure point of mstnhers, "le -ItitMktew- people to some extent staying away. It was addressed by a knot of agftators from a cart, tojiapfeneas amongst tbm indeed" the great orator of the day wi the lite. W. V. Jackron, the chartist, from this town.

Ward, who had been absent from: Thursday afternoon, again rnado hi appearance, ami aildressetl the meoting from the cart; and a third speaker was a Middleton chartist named Abraham Ogdcn. 'To thev proceeding, tlm people appeared to bo wholly indifferent and ihnc a no doubt, that, had they a civil fore adequate to protect them, thev would at once resume work. ASHTON, STALYBRJDGE, If any doubts had rusted in tile rrdiidj of durjas- sionate people, respecting the political character of nomTZM-nesf hmr cit, Uistiitisv lsf donbttmnst. ere this, have been 'Iius UnLssariee who have been sent forth delcgaUn into the other towns in LMcaslirre anel CfcefJiire liac, it encoiii-aging of rioter in other bat have manifested the utmost anxiety to imprew upoa the operative tho necessity of not murrring'to work until the charter shall have become the oTtte land. On Saturday, a very numerous meeting of operative and others wan held, at a place called the Hague, near where sereral.welVfcaowiritgitatonv spoke at OTnsidc-raU length, nponhprc-Brietyof maksng strtigglg 4Ruine the apfet of wage- qtte6oti ora charwr From Ktrne circumsUnf ei which took place, n.

thought that ttie hoW if hands Wild have heen in fayonr of "wngea, trot' for ft numerotn party nf men from Hyde and the nrijebbonrhood, who came to the place armed with heavy Mndgta, and voted fir tli charter. Sulrbridgr, as in Afhton, a party of shojikeepent formed KTnele into a committee, with a new to assist the operaiiyta in obtaining an advance of wageir; hot we many of thero re not nearly, to zealous, now that the ntiastion as-mmed a political aspect. They pubiiwicd the following plccard Urii Is StrenatluTo the Oftratieet of gtoi'ilrUInc ami Ur Virimts. We, tlto aopeper and tradesmen of SaUybridse. beg to infilrm you thai we hay issocjjtted ouraIm leetb, in 'inler to act as mcdia-to between yon and yor employers, Jn th unhappy dh-vules rsrx irtlcie, and to eodiavonr to abrt you to obtain MWr fur's r.zc1iTr talrl? und wc are now sTiitlng f.r a unifonn Ibtnf a-Icrs to ha utraO to by you.

In order we my ab Viiuin obtaining proper remuneration Irr your Uunsr. vye reg to Inform too that, jfyooallftsrynur attention to oe lurattl Bum Ure object yon first ltad In view, tnd allow tfc coeKsvt to be-eonwapolKicoS one, wlU bo frustratinjc ynunetves, wtu betmne dlsnrdlm. ana, etcinently. an eay prey to evezY evfl-ssesignii9 penon. Htaod firm, then, us your motiQ.

fair mf fate for fair dy' workll and vlc Uwr arill stM-xuly crown your tcnSejirem. Moti to Shin, ani with iheslMpIuepets of jutrton, llyde. Hostiej. Lees, tffeamp. and other place.

if isqV ly yz yixu eodttrasnu and fotoppoS you to tM best of oar pomer, Mmt than XO bare ttrSdv UrnitToeeas. wijte Z1! yoa TOii op pidf tkfflr rtJIei cannot, a body, joo; nni. Jsj 4oU, niUTK dfrkled, one patty agalMt anethor, antf dritu sack ehtoamHiutetl joss caettet Kicorod. Be united, rcinaln, ynoni faltjifully. TTIK COJSiflTTEE.

"htiVbridfe. Aagtt tub. BUS. On SatonUy eveoiner, it aomBee4 that tevenl recomineni which we know vnu ill iiiost adilv (, tllcre a namelv to watch over tho sgfetv of life mid lor ourselves, we have nn other property than our labour, hut I mei ting here or not. 1 did not say there was a meet-in the midst nf jon wc live and have our being, our parents, I iufr.

He said the not act was read, and that lie tiniler-ourvuie-s. and children nrc the lin.iages pi.sent to vou there was a nu etmst here that was gal. I told as our sci urmi s. tntii i- in in ems commend aiiv thing to others iiicnn-i-tcnt with their snfetv I or vour interest. Ale-tsnder Hutchinson, chairman, htiiiut, siert tarv Mam hosier, August Id, IHJJ Thc Chairman hopl tho meeting would conduct their proceedings in a calm and dispassionate manner.

From what he had Ii arned since tho delegates separated the prei ion- evening, ho was convinced of the necessity, on the pal of the mciting, speedily to express its" determination. Ho hoped they would do -o with calmness ami consideration and that the dole-gates would, in the course, of their speeches, appeal in the rca'on, and not to the feelings, oi the muting. He I I I I, nun on jucsuay nu- siiiiic wouni oe lam, uut dav, as stated above, in clearing awav the Heaps i that it was not intended to make any public demon- in Charles-street and the adj'oininp; streets, I llavl" aieA "elegatp to use their stratum on the occasion. The gates, however, of the i under tho protection of a strong body of tlie police disturbance, concluded by pro-chapol-yard would be open, and such persons as chose Superintendent Savvlev, a man, who was stand- a the inhabitants of to witness tlie ceremony would be at liberty to enter: it, behind Mr. Sawlev.

tbr-w Manchester should he printed and placarded: and at its conclusion retire therefrom, as no addresses I large paving stone at him, which just grazed his car-would be delivered. Inconsequence of this announce-! a narrow escape, for it might have killed him. On had to complain, that appeals to the feelings were suns were asscnii leu in tne id adjoining mo nan ni much indulged in at the previous meeting; but he Science. Ho appn bonded that the peaceably distrusted that, on this occasion, perrons vvi.o had for posed inhabitants vv.rn afraid consequence of the several years boon in the habit of addressing public i assemblage in th- Mull; and they were desirous meetings would feel it their duty to restrain them- that the mooting should ho adjourned. And, eon-selves, and submit to the collective wisdom of the tinned 1 also expect that this ni'ct mooting.

He bogged of them not to eucimi ml any 1 mg will hum adjourn, and I Hu-t you will attend thing rash under the excitement of tin; moment, but I to it. The Chairman: Wo are not aware that to act with calmness and distntion. The working this meeting is ill-gal. Wo have taki every pun men did not appear to he so enthusiastic as at the slide precaution to prevent any disturbance from commencement of this movement but they seemed to growing nut of this nieetii.g. We h-vo aLu Usui act more from reflection.

The disputing clergymen our influence to proven', the crowd fiom had held a meeting, and it was considered advisable OMt-ido. Wo have no oT joction to reniie you here in to appoint a deputation to wait upon tin ni, and solicit this or any otlu ace -protector but their co-operjiion in the struggle that was now being vve hope tho mcct'iig will not he Iniiirii. il. We are made for the rights of the people. B.njamiii Stott met here for legal purpose, und wo diirc to commit then moved no breach of the p.

ace. It is imt our business to "That th.s meiiing do strongly recommend to nil trades' Pvo that wc are a loyal nicotinic vvo have done that, from lirnivfnrth, they make political dis-j thing that wo should he eon-lib otherwise. cussions lawful and ne in their and that 1 laVe no olirotitn to admit vou ll vou keep einb-slv in their nil -s a law- for the adoption of thi. Mr have pjvued great principle. which .,11 matt, for what i.iriu, uiu ciiurusisuiiuuiiiiucu nieir uiieiuiuii ui naiiiir a demonstration on the occasion, for which they hail previously prepared banners, bands of music, Proclamation op Cointv Bonoiaii Magistrates.

After conference between the county magistrates MacUoiuiKl, anil Mr. uuno, a special constable, determination of the meeting, and of the trades whom thev represented, to the general meeting of delegates Amongst the less public notifications made, it was understood that no bills ihuuld In printed of the resolutions of the general meeting of the delegates, Iet they should be "taken advantage of bv the magistrates; but, instead, the delegates are themselves to commu- nicate whatever they may have to state to the turn-out mcetiiurs of the different trades, to he convened for the iiurnuse of receivintr their report. Durini; this meeting, there was a somewhat largo assemblage of neonle. irrouns. in Granbv Row Fields, and amongst thorn wero observed 16 or 18 men.

armed with Strom? hludcenns: four of those men appeared to be navi- i gators, and strangers in this tow n. Other "Trapes' MEim.Nns.'' A meeting of spinners was hold at ten o'clock this I X' morning, at the Nelson public-house, Newgate-street. A meeting of the warpers wai held at two o'clock this afternoon, at the- Manchester Arms public-house, Long Millgate. A meeting of cabinet makers was also held at the Nelson, at seven o'clock in the evening to include unionists and non-unionists," fur the purpose of forwarding the interests of their common calling." OF ANOTHER RlOTER IN BED. While a party of labourers were engaged on Satur- seeing this, Sub-mspcetor Macdonald rushed at the man, knocked him down, and fell over bun; the fellow succeeded in disengaging himself, and immediately ran down an entry, leaped into the river Medlock, waded across, and thus made his escape.

In conse quence of some information, Inspectors Irwin, Al'Mul- I'lsisirieic'-i jj ellar in one of the small streets adjacent to Charles street. The people within at first refused to open the door, saying that no one was there but a husband and wife: however, tho door being at length opened, the polico fovnd a third person in bed, the man they who gave his name Wtlliam Martin, an Insn labourer. He was seized, and conveyed to the New Bailev. "The General Meeting op DeleovTes. During Saturdayand Sunday, the wails were covered with green placards, of which the following is a copy: Justice Pe ace.

Laic. Ortler.To the inhabitants nf Manchester, Salford, and suiMUuding We, the delegates of all the various trades of these important districts, having been each and all legally and duly elected bynur various frndes, have again, this day, met in solemn conference, empowered by our constituents to watch ovr and guard the interests nf tile people whom represent, j'p most earnestly implore of you not lobe icd astray by the michinatiomof voiu- cnemie. hut remain firm in your purpose uphold vour just rights, asset forth in the on the llth and 12th msLmt We upon you to be prompt in the election nf vour delegates to the great delegate con-fen nee. which villi be hchl in the Sherwood Inn, Tib-street, on Moiidav, lth August, lfH2, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and that vou meet immediately for that purpose. Midi of vuu as have not already elected delegates.

We most soleniiil.v pledge ourselves to persevere in nurexertioas. until achieve the complete emancipation of nur brethren of the working and middle classes trom Ihe thraldom of mono-polv and clas legislation, hv the legal establishment of tho Cen'plc's charter. The trades of Britain carried the reform ill: the trades of Britain carry" 'he charter. We call uin vou. then, to act with promptitude andenenry.

i'ou do amir duly. tv irid do ours. tru-t issue In the protection or Heaven, ana me jusiicc oi our cause. duii MIDIiI.ErroN.thainruiD. tn the delegate meeting' on Monday next, unless such dele- gate bn-ig his credential duly igncd by the chairman or I scereiiiryiu i pniaa; mtci.ij v.

iqiiaans, I This announcement, and the various meetings of trades toJippoint delegates to ini meeting, gave to tnis meetiBS, in toe proem wc iown, a goon deal of inirestt it heine retarded as a sort of een'eral convention of the operatives. The meeting, which was avowedly one of delegates from the various trades in Manchester and the surronnding districts, was held in theSherwood Inn, Tib-street, this day, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Alexander Hutchinson presided. Charles Stuart was poKited to act as secretary pro Urn. On the motion William Duffy, three scrutineers were to investigate the credentials of the parties seeking adrniseion as delegates.

It having been suggested tiiat a large number of trade men ere aasembred outside, Bernard M'Cartney, of Leigh, was requested to advise them to disperse, lest they should be considered by the authorities as an unlawful assemblage. Three "delegates were then appointed as a finance committee, to receive suliscriptions, and defray such expenses as were incidental to the meeting. The room, at the Sherwood Inn not being sufficiently capacious to atwnrmciiate the delegates, they adjourned to Caroentcrs' Hall, at twelve o'clock. It was then sxg- should Igested by Bernard M'Cartney, thai the delegates disturbance or excitement should be created. At 1 ti-ii i omj Jle c.ha?r taKen VarPenter? should not go in procession to e-arpenter ziaii, ten mil tlio of tllO llelcUtiU QaVluZ bct-n duN Ul i a disCTiakm arose as to whetoiw toose froOl tho oouatrv, who neglected to bring credentials, should i- 1 1 i tie aumittett to tne tueeang mi asw muuiy agreeo, tiat thev should, be allowed to sit in the tilery, but should not be pOToiited to take any port in the proceedings.

It was then resolved, that no deli-gate should allowed more than ten minntea to adinss tm meg-Xing. The followiisu a lift of the delegates in attendance when the crour wna taian Joia Bizrnctt, pkeers to nule-pber. TliGniies HQura. riller maker" of Ohiliam. riiolsl JXHa ust Til iotas Whittaker.

jouiers. John Leach aad Ow. CajJdeJK, factory operatm of Hydc- 3seltUena! Uaay HtmiWlattt-ead, tbecacilag-rwiia aaciit cf OUltuun. 1 I I It vias of vast importance that the minds of the work ing people should he enlightened as to tlni-ir political lights Ileginbottoin seconded the motion. Morris-son, from Patrieroft, opposed it.

They had met for more important objects, and tho meeting should not he diverted from those objects by questions as to what rules trades' societies should hereafter adopt. Mr. John shopkeeper, who, along with some other spectators, was admitted to the gallery, requcitsd permission to make Kiine observations. He was informed by the chairman, that no person could he allowed "to address the mtetiog but tut delegates. However, as 1,.

to makei was permitted to say that ho was no spedai constable that he had been requested to become one, but had refused that largo portion of p)i0pkccpf is wore special ronitablrs, and not to be l.vrvorito ho wis trusted anil tint no was 110 nypocnte lie was Heart 'and soul with tho tranes in the present movement. Not being allowed to further, he withdrew the hall. Bernard M'Cartiioy next addressed the meeting. He recommended a national d-bgatc meeting, and implored the meeting to take tnee of the present movement, and not allow the 1 agitation 10 SUbsllle UlltSI 'onil'tOIHg ufnnitc was accornplished-soroethiiig which would worthy of inut'tlion by tlie workm; classes in other parts of the kingdom. and William Uuny roiom-mended the meeting to pax tho resolution, in or.ier that the time of the mooting might not be frittered awav.

Charles Stuart, the von tarv, (slid it was a paltry motion to l.o brought forward on such an ocea- and recommended that its further comidFr.itioii be postponed. IV resolution was then withdrawn, Direct-on wore then given tor the posting of the placards containing the sil'lrw of tho dehgntes, order to connteratt what they describe to be the illegal and dangerous tendon, of tl.o placards rost by the major and uJiani IuUy on the part oi ti.e meeting, imputation conumoa in a placard usued that morning, and si-nod A Citien." tliat they were the tools of a tarty, and were nialui.gatradeofag.Uton He concluded by moving ZeTJi. 1'nnt111 topic touched on bis That-ac yjfiw with unmingliy! feUi. of nnvl uidiroatHia wa now muKrag by van-tis pruties the country, to rniTepren: onr pillion, our il.u 1 1. and ti'C loduu vre iaay "itcde upon in fiTr-nr te Tlie the irreat.

th: .11 hi' mIiisiki uitiou nu the one h.uii. or the cseretae of erbitrary power nv. i if, re tiiat ens i order carry enei-jr miiniiOT-- nave mere nrx-ruin-iir iu si .11 uvmoiug nirn 01 van- era- rsiticM panics. This we most deny. is. i.jcu.i i -1' -n hir. jiroii-, he are dirtenniiie-il if consult their rotcrot alone, wlihi.a bi.iK biiu iii.iiii.iiv.sii-1 uitisiuii, anu uiu maiur iointlv, the following proclamation, in the form Of ft large placard, which was plentifully posted about the town and neighbourhood, so as to meet the eyes of every one at an early hour on Monday morning! tl Pntcbuinttwii. Whereas the present disturbed state of this town and district tails for the adoption of the strongest measures for the restoration of peace Hnd order. We, the undersigned, Tcspcctivelv magistrates nf the county palatine of Lancaster, and the borough of deem it ourilut publlclv to make l.nov ii. that all assemblages nf persons in considerable numbers, having, under present circumstances, a inanifost tendency to endanger the public peace, and to excite the fears of hermajest y's jicaceablc subjects, are ittt'gal, whatever inuy be their avowed object, and wherever held, and notvv Ithstanding they may not at the ttuio be attended vv ith acta ofaipcu violence; arid wc hereby declare our full determination to use all the meins in duV power to prevont and repress, and, if necessary forcibly to put down the same.

And further caution all welldis-pocd persons against joining in or being present at any meetings or processionsuf this character, as they ill thereby bring themselves; into peril, and incur the fonaOfiuences of the measures which may be adopted for tho preservation of the public jwace. "CiTHiiIy Magistrates acting trdhin the Division of P. Foster. John Bentle.v. William Garneit, Kobt.

J. J. Jv'orre Phillips. Geo. Wui.

Wood, Saml Fletcher. 1'. Maude. Jiancncsier. P.

M. James, Lccse. J. II. WanLlvTi, John Brudsh'aw Gcorirc larke.

Klios Crcadwkk, Hubert Gardner. Mi'tnstrtiU the Horou.jh of Manch, ster. WM. NUILD. Mujor.

Henry Tootal. 1 nomas colter. A. VVatkin, W. Cullender, Kershaw Daniel Lee.

John Brooks, Itobert Stuart. Richard Roberts, t'. J. S. Walker.

John Lteming. OaviJ Price. Geo Kereday Smith. Arniitage, James Kurt. Alew Bannerman.

Thomas oiike. Town Hall, Manchester, Snndav. Aiuoist Ulh. 184i." The Rowl Pkoclam vtion. Conies of the follow init roval proclamation were re ceived here this (Sunday) evening, and were posted at the Town Hall at eight o'clock Bv the Queen.

A Proclamation Victoria A Whereas, in divers parti, of t.rcat llntain. great multitudes of la less and disorderly persons nave lately assembled themselves v- gethcr in a riotous and tumultuous manner, and have, -with force and violence, entered into certain nulls, manufactories, and other places, and have, by threats and intimidation, prevented our gissd subjects then in employed from following their usual occupations, and earning their liveli-hood: we. therefore, being dulv sensible nf the consciiuenccs wliich must ensue, a well to tho 5 Jii' PrcP? subjects, tmm -wh wicked and tllegal practices if thev go unpunished, and being hruily re-nlvcd to cause ihe law's 'to be nut in execution for tlie iiunhmcnt of such oflndar have thought fir. by the advice of our nnvy council, issue hereby strictly commaadmi! justices of the peace, sheriffs. under.sher.fTs.

ami all other civil officers whatsoever within said kingdom, that they do us utmost emtjavonrs to discover, apptvbtnd, ana pSstire.theperam-vsjnrernc rlSS do I'TvZ ths: anv ncrson or wisorisw he. skill disfavor nd nrxrlTiil or v-anae to be discovered and attirchenderL the anthers. ouitav; so that they or acy of them msy tw duty con octal tT mnt, shall be entitled to the sum of fitly j-uaiwls for each I every person who shall be ao enavicied. and sbaUalw L-M ourmost grarfou, pardon for tk, said orTce k. cu- an I '-s- mr- vuo.i isi Klikt.

tobepnvetsutedrortiicsane. Ui'venatoBriscurtatW'Iadsor. t20'maK'5w 1 Sir Charles Shaw directed oOO conies of tlu nrvwl. I form ofa fjacard, and 5,000 the form of small handbills. The former t' ano suoiiros, especially at allUie prmciptu entrances to the town, Of the latter, 30Q were sent to each of the ont-poste, to be distributed singly to.

workmen coraim? in from 5 i ne conn err. J-J-J cuuurs ui ioe nm vsAnti nn. v. with each patrol of spescial constablea, and 400 were sent to each police scoion the borough, and they veK elurine Mondav forenoon. We i rftf Vm pheel with 2,000 copies cf the proclanuticji, and thua and the borough magistrates, it was agreed to I no ter.s lo interfere with th." -i Tho duor-KM refused to d.spffrse.

tie floor an ci-Illimlf nfitnrinlv. II'- I.Vlr. fV.V i v. i i stated. tliAt there was no lerson in tain ii.

wn waimn. Stand firm. Da your i-ir, i thrr of them. The ChairTuad wdl etoour." iveverai iwreisie "ui iiines we coulu not learn, addressed tlie meeting in support of this resolution. TiUliarn Robinonthen moTed Thut this nwtfng ev, not agree vrtth the prmene nsniu- Meirose seconded the aroendisent.

Bernard Jl'Cart- ney thought it was due iti the character of the work- ing cknests to pot forward, early as powiblo, eontn dictions to the rahtimnoos reprwientarions that had been pouted on the walla of the town. He hoped the nsomuno wouio i.e at once ntlopttsl, and fortnwitn printed and cireslated. Frederick Taylor, from Roy- ton, advised tlie dk gate to "tistirr tteternaned stand for ths obtnrncEt ni their nut rights, anrl fioned die time of the meeting wonld not be waster! by the con- ttderWion of qnetfiuu which could effect nothing, Sertral oUver delegare cxpnteeed the surie oaniot, i.

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